Felipe and Letizia, a Year of Modern Monarchy

From The Luxonomist congratulations to Their Majesties for this first year of reign and wish them "Long live the monarchs".

Aurelio Manzano. 19/06/2015
S.M. la Reina, la Princesa de Asturias y la Infanta Sofía –al término de la jornada escolar – reciben a S.M. el Rey a su regreso de Aquisgrán (Entrega del Premio Carlomagno)
Sus Majestades los Reyes, junto a la Princesa de Asturias y la Infanta Doña Sofía. Foto: Borja Fotógrafos
The King and Queen of Spain with the Princess of Asturias and the Infanta Dona Sofia. Photo: Borja Fotografos

The June 2, 2014 will be marked in history as the day when His Majesty King Juan Carlos abdicated in favor of his son, King Philip VI. On July 19 the new monarchs received the love of the people in the Plaza de Oriente. From the balcony of the Royal Palace, the new kings, daughters and emeritus King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, opened a new chapter in the Spanish monarchy.

This year, Philip VI has proved not only to be the king’s prepared in the history of Spain, but has already shown that, above all, the institution must prevail over feelings. A few days ago he surprised with a big decision: Stripping the title of Duchess of Palma who had held since her marriage, her sister the Infanta Cristina.

El rey Felipe VI ha despojado de su título de Duquesa de Palma a su hermana Cristina
King Philip VI was stripped of his title of Duchess of Palma her sister Cristina

A just and necessary decision. Fair, after all the legal problems that monarch’s sister and her husband Inaki Urdangarin face and necessary due to the exemplary expected from this institution in such a difficult time as it goes across the Spanish society. Justice is equal for all. King Philip has been clear: Nothing can cloud what is already called the new monarchy, the twenty-first century.

Primera Comunión de Su Alteza Real la Princesa de Asturias. Foto: Casa Real/ Agencia EFE
First Communion of His Royal Highness the Princess of Asturias. Photo: Casa Real / EFE

But this has not been the only change in this new regency. Don Felipe wanted to implement a code of good conduct after the disaster left in its last stage his father, King Juan Carlos, and were about to end the institution. From now on, only the royal family are Don Felipe, Princess Letizia, Princess Leonor, Princess Sofia and emeritus King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia.

S.M. el Rey recibe  a pie de coche al Presidente de la República de Italia en su primera visita a España. Palacio Real
The King of Spain receives to the President of the Republic of Italy on his first visit to Spain. Royal Palace

Another change that has been implemented are the gifts: No more lavish gifts received by the royal family. The new monarch also has lowered the salaries of the first family 20%. The king will receive 234.201 € per year; the queen Letizia 128 808 €; and Queen Sofia and King Juan Carlos 105.396 € and 187 356 € respectively.

Monarchs near the town.
This year reign, both Don Felipe and his consort, Princess Letizia, have done everything possible to get closer to the people. It is not easy, no protocol standards that make their behavior and excessive approach could be misinterpreted as cheap populism.

SS.MM. los Reyes saludan al público tras el Concierto Homenaje a las Víctimas del Terrorismo.
The King and Queen of Spain greets the audience after the Homage Concert to the Victims of Terrorism.

A few days ago the Royal House distributed with the intention of showing the everyday family and working life of the monarch, a video where, among other things, could see the princess of Asturias making a «interrogation» after his father it arrived on an official trip. We are on the right track, but they still have much to achieve that closeness. It’s their big challenge.

La reina Letizia se ha convertido en un icono de estilo. Foto: Casa Real/ Cristina García Rodero
La reina Letizia se ha convertido en un icono de estilo. Foto: Casa Real/ Cristina García Rodero

Letizia, the star of the court
As in many real home, the consorts often become the stars of the media. They give much play. The styling of the queen Letizia is analyzed daily, which often leaves in the background his work for the Crown and, I know, supremely annoying Letizia. «Its purpose is not look pretty, you look good to do their job,» he says this means a person close to His Majesty.

The Queen of Spain with his new haircut talking to a group of schoolchildren in the auditorium Miguel Delibes in Valladolid. Commemoration Day of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Photo: Casa Real

Although not intended as an It Girl, according to European publications is, next to Maxima of the Netherlands, one of the most elegant queens of Europe and all it takes to become trend. His last haircut and is imitated by many Spanish and even some of his European colleagues.

S.M. la Reina, la Princesa de Asturias y la Infanta Sofía –al término de la jornada escolar – reciben a S.M. el Rey a su regreso de Aquisgrán (Entrega del Premio Carlomagno)
The Queen of Spain, Princess of Asturias and Princess Sofía -at the end of the school day – are to the King of Spain on his return from Aachen (Delivery Charlemagne Prize)

Despite these new changes, the queen Letizia wanted to mark their own style when it comes to reign. He does the job, but it has not stopped doing the things that you really enjoy in your spare time like when I was a princess of Asturias. Go to the movies with her husband or meet with «squires», a group of former coworkers for dinner or attend concerts of their favorite bands, is something that will remain part of his private agenda and that the people, little by little, he has come to accept as normal.

SS.MM. los Reyes con los participantes del certamen Famelab de monólogos científicos
The King and Queen of Spain with participants of the contest FameLab scientific monologues

Felipe and Letizia are, without doubt, and at the behavior of some politicians, top public relations of our country. They are the Brand Spain and we must support them. What is good for them in a positive impact on us. From The Luxonomist congratulations to Their Majesties for the first year and wish them «Long live the King and Queen». (Photos: Royal House).

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