Correction of the Ears: Otoplasty

Aesthetic Otoplasty or Ear surgery, is a surgical procedure whose purpose is to reposition prominent ears or "flapping" to a more normal position.

Julio Puig. 04/09/2015
La otoplastia corrige las orejas despegadas

This surgery is aimed at patients who want to have a well integrated ears into their facial framework, more close to the head or in other cases to reduce the size of large ears. Although generally this surgery is usually performed on children aged 6-7 years, because at this age is considered fully grown ears, also is performed at any adult age, with no major risks at this age.

Dr. Puig plastic surgeon recommend that parents observe the child’s behavior in relation to their ears, should not insist on the surgery until the child so desires. Children who are unhappy with their ears and want surgery, cooperate more during surgery and are happier with the result.

No se debe insistir en la cirugía si el niño no quiere
Do not insist on the surgery if the child does not want.

The result is completely natural, permanent and leaves no visible scars. Let’s use some features of the surgery:

  • It is a simple surgical procedure known as correction of protruding ears.
  • Since the shape or position of the ears can lead psychological problems in young children, it is indicated for patients aged 6-7 years to any adult. This is because it is considered that from that age, the ear is fully developed.
  • The incisions are made in the porterior part of the ear, so the scars are not visible.
El futbolista
The player Dani Alves before and after undergoing otoplasty.
  • The procedure takes approximately 1 hour.
  • For surgery in adults, local anesthesia and sedation is performed, while in the case of children, the type of anesthesia will be assessed individually.
  • No hospital admission is necessary, most patients feel well a few hours after surgery.
  • We put a bandage around the head at the end of the surgery, the patient must take for 3 or 4 days. In a few days the bandage is changed by a headband.
  • The stitches are removed after 15 days
El futbolistas
The player Gareth Bale before and after undergoing otoplasty.

Must be avoided during the first month any activity that may bend the ears. It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding the use of the dressing, especially at night. The result of otoplasty is always very satisfactory and durable.

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