Why We Shouldn’t do Whitening Treatments at Home

Every day people choose to whiten their teeth with homemade treatments taking on numerous risks.

Doctor Jorge Escobar. 02/03/2016

Many times our desires to achieve a slimmer body, a prettier skin or just to feel more attractive in general make us do reckless acts that contrary to what we would think will not help us reach our goals but instead could highly damage our health.

Deja el blanco de tus dientes en manos de profesionales
Go to the dentist if you want to whiten your teeth

One of the most common homemade procedures is whitening treatments. Everyone knows a family remedy that claims to whiten our teeth but, do we really know if they actually work and if they are harmless to our health? Probably not.

More often than not we end up paying the consequences for cheap methods, and in the case of homemade whitening treatments this happens 90% of the times. These treatments tend to use ingredients that instead of whitening the teeth they wear out the enamel, and could cause cavities, tooth sensibility or even tooth loss in extreme cases.

Una sonrisa bonita es posible pero siempre con tu dentista
Your dentist knows how to get a beautiful smile

Some of the procedures that surf the web use baking soda, oxygenated water, lemon or vinegar, that are abrasives that scratch and wear out the enamel and although it seems as if they have whitened them, it is just a temporary effect. What these methods really do to our teeth is to increase tooth sensibility that intensifies as we lose the enamel, which it is the natural protection of our teeth against external factors, and once you lose it, it will not regenerate.

Los tratamientos caseros pueden acabar con el esmalte de tus dientes
The smile is one of the most important features of the personal image

Professional tooth whitening is one the most requested procedures around the world. When we speak about personal image the smile is one of the most important features and this treatment achieves safely and efficiently whiter teeth with a more uniform color. This aesthetic procedure is done with two to three hydrogen peroxide concentrations in the clinic, maximized with a led lamp. After the procedure is done, every night during a week the patience must wear a flexible cast full of carbamide peroxide.

Tener unos dientes blancos no te costará mucho tiempo en tu dentista
El dentista is the best option to do any treatment that could involve any risk.

So, before putting yourself at risk doing one of these homemade remedies that claim to achieve a nuclear white for your teeth, take into consideration the short term and long term consequences that could cause you. To prevent upsetting results and to make sure that what you are doing will not damage your health and will be persistence, your best chance is to go to a specialist to do this or any treatment that could involve any risk.

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