Marta and Tito: 1,000 km Against Endometriosis

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This morning, Tito have gone to Bayona (France). Right there his travel starts, right there his challenge starts, right there starts his 1000 km race along one month. 35 km each day along the north of Spain until arrive Santiago de Compostela. “El Camino de Santiago” now is “El camino with Marta”.

I’m sure that this guy from Los Yébenes, Toledo, would be able to go around the world for her and I think that also she would have done it for him: “Marta was very special person, very happy and always she was worried aboud her family”, Tito said. Marta was his wife. She died 11 months ago, on April, 19, 2015. She was only 36 years old and she had ‘Endometriosis’, a disease that causes lots of suffering to millions of women and girls (14 millions of women in Europe).

Tito run to make visible Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue that normally grows inside the uterus grows outside it. Everything is pain, so much pain, uncertainty time, full of surgeries and despair. This was the story of Marta. A continuous struggle that led her to undergo a process of failed fertility, which ultimately would cause a fatal pulmonary embolism. After that, the silences arrives and the questions without answers as well.

Tito will run 35 km each day along the north of Spain until arrive Santiago de Compostela.

Tito wants to everybody knows about this complicated disease and donate money to the investigation and also to the Association EsEndo: “I decided run ‘el camino de Santiago’ thanks to the support of all my friends and also I thought that this race could serve to collect money for EsEsendo women”, Tito explains me. “All of them are fighters, there are days can’t wake up and even so they continue fighting and supporting me. They suffer too much”, Tito says very proud of them. The work of all of these women is so important and Tito’s challenge as well. We talk about the life of women that could be aour mothers, daughters, friends or ourselves.

Tito will continue fighting and smiling like Marta did it.

“I recognize you that I’m nervous. It’s going to be hard but I know that it’s will be good for me because it will help me to reflect”, Tito says. When Marta died, the sports was the shelter for Tito, not only for the phisical and psycology support, also because Marta is his personal coach. Marta goes with him, giving support, and a lot of encouragment: “She is always with me”, Tito explains and in that momment I guessed the smile of a man that is the best of the human being. Tito will continue fighting, he has to live, he has to dream and he has to smile like Marta did it. With her, he will run 1,000 km and he is going to take hold of her hand forever. Good luck and enjoy this beautiful and brave adventure Tito!

Adriana Rey

Periodista con base en Nueva York. Buena parte de mi trayectoria profesional la he desarrollado entre informativos de radio y TV en diferentes medios. Ahora cumplo mi sueño de contar historias en la 'Gran Manzana'. Adoro el mar y las sonrisas.

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