The Breast After Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

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Over the years, after pregnancy or lactation, the breast skin loses its elastic capacity so jointly with glandular oscillations causes tends to fall. By breast lift surgery, the breasts are reshaped, returning their form and smoothness of an effective, generally removing excess sagging skin. If the breast has also lost volume, often this surgery is usually accompanied with a breast augmentation by implanting breast prostheses or implants.

Patients often choose to have a breast lift following pregnancy, as Melanie Griffith did after giving birth.

It is a procedure that is usually performed in women where as previously mentioned, due to the passing of the years, pregnancy and loss of elasticity of the skin, mammary gland tends to lose its shape and fall, leaving empty the breast upper pole, this is the surgical technique used to enhance and raise the mammary gland and nipple. Mastopexy surgery can be performed exclusively by raising the breast and nipple, but in the majority of cases is usually associated with implantation of a breast implants to restore the volume that the woman had her breasts before they are taken down.

Mastopexy surgery can be performed exclusively by raising the breast and nipple.

The implantation of breast implants is performed under the pectoral muscle in order to achieve a more natural breast, and not to interfere with further explorations in the breast. The procedure is usually done under general anesthesia and its approximate duration is about two hours. In most cases, a circular incision around the areola prolonged by a vertical incision to the inframammary fold is made.

The surgeon determines, according to the particularities of the patient, the technique to follow.

This type of incision has a very favorable healing. In other cases, considering factors like age, excessive volume or degree of fall of the breast, an incision that runs along the inframammary fold is made, and often left little visible because the breast remains above the scar. The surgeon determines, according to the particularities of the patient, the technique to follow. After placing the breast in its ideal position, it is used to give the most appropriate volume and projection.

Postoperative pain is usually moderate and gradually disappears.

After surgery, the surgeon places a bandage to the patient that will be removed in about three days. Usually the patient leaves the hospital in 24 hours. Postoperative pain is usually moderate and gradually disappears. In the first few days after surgery, the patient experiences a sensation of chest tightness and some discomfort, but be able to make normal life between 48 and 72 hours after surgery. The use of a special bra is recommended for a period of about a month, during this period shall not make sudden exercise, or carry much weight.

If the breast lift has been accompanied by an implant the effect is much more durable.

The results of a mastopexy are usually very satisfactory, although it must take into account that although durable, are not definitive and that depending on factors like new pregnancies or weight changes and age, breasts may sag again, though not as preoperatively. If the breast lift has been accompanied by an implant the effect is much more durable. If a new sagging occur, the plastic surgeon can easily reposition the chest again, removing old scars.

Julio Puig

Cirujano plástico desde 1987. Gerente de varias clínicas de cirugía y medicina estética en Valencia, Gandía y Barcelona. Participa habitualmente en los congresos de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica y también de la Federación Iberoamericana de Cirugía Plástica.

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