Louis XIII Announces «100 Years»

The movie you will never see, an original film to be released in 2115.

The Luxonomist. 01/12/2015

Louis XIII Cognac, one of the most luxurious spirits in the world, announced an original film, starring actor John Malkovich, which envisions Earth one hundred years from now and will not be released until 2115. Directed by Robert Rodriguez «100 Years», the movie you will never see, was inspired by the century of careful craftsmanship and patience it takes to create each decanter of Louis XIII Cognac.

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Louis XIII Presents ‘100 Years’

To ensure that «100 Years» remains secure until its official premiere on November 18, 2115, one century from now, the film was placed in a state-of-the-art safe which will open automatically in 100 years when the timing is complete. One thousand guests from around the world received an exclusive invitation to give to their descendants to attend the premiere of «100 Years», on November 18, 2115, at the House of Louis XIII in Cognac, France.

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Louis XIII Cognac

«Louis XIII is a true testament to the mastery of time, and we sought to create a proactive piece of art that explores the dynamic relationship of the past, the present, and the future,» said Ludovic du Plessis, Global Executive Director for Louis XIII Cognac. «Four generations of Louis XIII cellar masters put a lifetime of passion into a bottle of Louis XIII, yet they will never taste the resulting masterpiece. We are thrilled that this talented actor and creative filmmaker were inspired to join us on this artistic endeavor.»

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Louis XIII Cognac

A French art de vivre enthusiast and thought-provoking virtuoso, John Malkovich developed an original screenplay for «100 Years». Styled by costume designer Nina Proctor, Shuya Chang was cast as his on-screen partner, and the two journey through an unknown future achieved by innovative set design and extensive CGI effects.

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Louis XIII Cognac

«When I was first approached I really loved the idea… I mean, in a way I wish all the films I made wouldn’t have been seen for a hundred years. I don’t know how much that would change the way they are regarded,» said John Malkovich.

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