New Nespresso Limited Editions

Nespresso presents two Pure Origin Grands Crus born in the contrasting coffee growing communities of Lake Kivu, Rwanda and Chiapas, Mexico.

The Luxonomist. 24/02/2016

Nespresso pays tribute to these two small but highly knowledgeable and motivated communities – one utilising contemporary post-harvest techniques, and the other using traditional methods passed down through the generations. Celebrating the dedication to coffee cultivation by the farmers in each origin, the Limited Editions both have names meaning “heart” in their respective native languages: UMUTIMA wa Lake Kivu and TANIM de Chiapas.

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Coffee Cherries. Click to buy Nespresso Umutima and Tanim

A renaissance of coffee growing in Rwanda. Small but highly modernised coffee growing communities can be found on the densely populated and well-cultivated shores of Lake Kivu in south-western Rwanda. In recent years, the country’s coffee growing industry has experienced a renaissance. Farmers use the latest post-harvest practices to deliver top quality Arabica. Ripe cherries are picked by hand, followed by rigorous post-harvest sorting, also done by hand, to ensure that only the best beans are selected. Today, Rwanda is known for producing some of the sweetest and most flavourful of East African coffees.

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Coffee Picking. Click to buy Nespresso Umutima and Tanim

Preserving a family tradition in Mexico. Meanwhile, the coffee in Chiapas, Mexico is grown high in the mountains on small, remote farms. Many of Mexico’s finest coffees can be found in Chiapas, a region known for its exceptional coffee with stone-fruit flavours and cocoa notes. Coffee growers here favour traditional practices, growing Food crops such as avocados and oranges in between their coffee plants. For generations, they have grown coffee beneath the shade of the lush, tropical rainforest, which prolongs ripening and yields beans of a consistent high quality with fine aromas.

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Coffee Picking. Click to buy Nespresso Umutima and Tanim

“While different practices are used to grow the coffees, both communities share the same devotion to coffee, the same exceptional community spirit and ultimately achieve the same result – the best quality coffees, which are appreciated worldwide,” says Karsten Ranitzsch, Head of Coffee at Nespresso.

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Coffee Cherries. Click to buy Nespresso Umutima and Tanim

“Both UMUTIMA wa Lake Kivu and TANIM de Chiapas are Pure Origin coffees, which means that 100% of the coffee has been sourced from their respective countries. We are able to amplify the intrinsic flavour qualities of these distinct coffees by split roasting the Greencoffee beans for a perfect in-cup result. Here at Nespresso we wanted to share these results with our Club Members, bringing them new, exciting flavours from around the world,” Ranitzsch added.

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