Can a cat really be autistic?

"Homeopathy Helps Autistic Cat" Claims Dr. Marcie Fallek

The Luxonomist. 08/06/2015
Marcie Fallek with her dogs
Dr. Marcie Fallek with her dogs Savannah and Destiny.

And can autism be caused by vaccination?  «Absolutely,» says Dr. Marcie Fallek, a holistic vet with busy practices in New York and Connecticut. In a newly-released video on Dr. Fallek’s website, listen to Sheila recount in her own words how Reggie, her 3-year-old cat, was helped by homeopathy.

Things were not normal from the time Reggie entered the household, She did not make eye contact or let anyone touch her. She was hyperactive, running frenetically around the house and knocking things onto the floor.  She didn’t respond to human or animal contact, even though she lived in a household of 4 cats and 2 dogs.

Sitting on the windowsill, Reggie swatted the venetian blinds obsessively.  Once, during Hurricane Sandy, Reggie clung to the window shades for hours without moving.  «A lot of vets would say there’s nothing wrong and don’t waste your money on this cat, but Sheila is very sensitive to her animals.  She and I both knew that something was seriously wrong with Reggie,» said Dr. Fallek.

Cat. Click for more information

Observing what appeared to be symptoms of autism in Reggie, Dr. Fallek decided to treat her with a homeopathic remedy used for antidoting the bad effects of vaccinations.  «It is my belief that vaccinations can sometimes cause symptoms of autism,» said Dr. Fallek in a recent interview. 

After homeopathic treatment by Dr. Fallek, Reggie became more relaxed, comfortable in her own skin and began to interact with people and other animals.  Reggie began to sleep with her owner for the first time.  She began looking people in the eye and maintaining eye contact.  «She even lets people pet her all the time now, says her owner,» Sheila said.

Cat 2
Cat. Click for more information

«The fact that all signs of autism totally disappeared when the cat was treated with a homeopathic remedy whose specific use is for antidoting the bad effects of vaccinations, is very strong support for the view that vaccines can indeed cause autism, whether in cats or in children,» says Dr. Fallek.

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