Pieces of Natural Energy

The transition from spring to summer not only brings us a change of wardrobe, almost adaptation to the environment, but a special attitude towards the renewal of everything around us.

Mamen Rodrigo. 06/05/2015
Escultura de enebro. Foto: buenapieza. Haz clic para comprar
Escultura de enebro. Foto: buenapieza. Haz clic para comprar
Natural sculpture. Photo: buenapieza. Make clic to buy

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life”. By the time the good weather settled permanently in our thermometer it does instinctively in our hearts and in our heads.

When Henry David Thoreau wrote one of the crowning works of American literature, Walden, did from the forest of Concord, Massachusetts, the necessity of observe during two years the nature, the seasons and over time from his wood hut built by himself, settled at his head, heart and pen, the aim was to create an special communion with nature, without intermediaries of any kind.

Tables by Buena Pieza. Make clic to buy them

The transition from spring to summer not only brings us a change of wardrobe, almost adaptation to the environment, but a special attitude towards the renewal of everything around us. We feel the urge to surround us with unique and full of optimism furniture pieces that reconcile us with the purest nature, and bring the outside to a corner of our home.

In the same way that a silk scarf colorful and invigorating touch to the senses is a spark of fleeting happiness; and a salad of exotic fruits located taste at the gates of a promising summer full of plans. A unique decorative piece of wood, especially carved for you, makes you feel different, immersed in any universe forests of your imagination.

Mirrors, Buena Pieza. Make clic to buy
Mirrors, Buena Pieza. Make clic to buy them

The acquisition of a decorative handmade object that preserves the beauty of natural wood, which reminds you to nature, its textures, shapes, scents and colors, is, as Thoreau did in his time, enjoying nature from our home and absorbing all his energy. Mirrors, lamps, side tables, countless objects that besides they are practical convey feelings, memories of nature, countryside and life.

The spring search of nature from every angle; the ability to «go into the woods and take on the essential things of life» –as the writer and philosopher of the nineteenth century, a native of New England- in the form of an sculpture is, practical, generates optimism and harmonizes. Decorative objects hand made by www.buenapieza.com

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