¿And you? ¿How do you have coffee: alone or with others?

Enjoy having an expresso made with a Moka traditional coffee maker and with these elegant coffee sets directly brought from Turkey.

Lorena Salamanca. 03/08/2015
Good coffee should be served in a nice coffee set. Click to buy

After a long working day, there is nothing I like more than to get home and have a fresh coffee while my kids tell me how their day has been. That’s my favourite daytime; I reencounter with them and start doing what I love: motherhood.

Italian coffee

But for running into moments, the one I had with the Italian Moka coffee makers. I was searching for a curious design coffee maker and I found the traditional coffee makers but with a quite distinct touch. They are the same aluminum coffeepots that we’ve usually had at home (well …  someone, like me, continue having those coffeepots due to that special flavor they provide to the coffee), but decorated with hilarious Pantone colors and available in different sizes. You might find them in Cafés la Mexicana and Amazon.

The only fault I might say about them is that they are not available in the same color for different sizes, so it may happen that the color you want is not available for the size you are searching for. However, I think they are a very nice alternative to bring some color to those «coffee time». To complete that coffee time, I consider necessary to count with a nice coffee set, either you wish enjoining alone or with others.

Turkish coffee set. Click to buy

That’s why I show you the following coffee sets that I found in Turkey. They are of the firm Anadolu Küratörü, a company located since 2012 in Istanbul (Turkey) and specialised on the coppersmithing and brass materials works, using traditional work techniques for those materials and manufactured by artisans all over the country, making each handmade item to be considered special and unique. Within the wide range of different coffee cups that this firm provides, the porcelain and brass coffee sets really attract my attention.

Turkish coffee set. Click to buy

The designs of those sets is the result of a very exquisite combination of the Turkish Seljuk Architecture, civilization that existed in Anatolian land prior the Ottoman conquest and mostly represented by geometric figures used in the exterior designs of Turkish buildings plus, the most characteristic symbols of Turkish culture such as the Jamsa hand (symbol of protection), and Kaftan, garment used in the Muslim world being, nowadays, very popular in the Spanish fashion trends.Y ou might find these coffee sets, in different colours and in different formats at our shop La Maison de Lossan.

Turkish coffee set. Click to buy

I’m going home to enjoy my coffee time with my kids, with my Pantone coffee maker and served in an Anadolu Kuratoru coffee set for 2.  And you .. How do you have coffee? More next week.


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