Security Phone to Thwart Cyber Threats

Mobile security is more important than ever before.

The Luxonomist. 14/01/2016

Macate, a secure mobile communication and media device leader, today announced its new GATCA Elite luxury cyberphone with Codetel advanced security software. Designed for high-profile individuals, corporations and government entities, the GATCA Elite is a first-of-its-kind security phone purpose-built to thwart cyber threats.

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GATCA Elite luxury cyberphone. Click to buy

It offers 256-bit or 512-bit encryption, layers of biometric features, location-based protection for the device and its documents and phone lockdown capabilities when the SIM card is removed or an unfamiliar one is inserted. Users can expect the utmost in mobile privacy to help manage their personal and professional lives. To see the GATCA Elite in action at CES, visit the Codetel booth (#21431) in the Cyber and Personal Security marketplace at Tech East, Las Vegas Convention Center, South Hall 1 on the ground floor.

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GATCA Elite luxury cyberphone. Click to buy

«Mobile security is more important than ever before. Each day, there are risks of impending cyber attacks and businesses have grown increasingly aware of the threats BYOD policies pose for securing mission-critical company data,» said Isaac Daniel, CEO of Macate. «Our new GATCA Elite cyberphone is a step in the right direction, providing multiple layers of biometric and encryption security. The software protects both personal and professional privacy for our users in a sleek, polished device. Users will no longer have to compromise productivity, performance, or aesthetics when choosing a highly secure yet luxury mobile experience.»

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GATCA Elite luxury cyberphone. Click to buy

This compact cyberphone boasts top-notch design elements and security features for anyone that desires greater mobile protection. The GATCA Elite cyberphone with Codetel security is now available in North America for $850.

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