Agatha Conquest New York

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada decided to conquest New York years ago. She first came with her suitcase full of dreams and colorful designs. Hearts, stars, kisses that aroused the curiosity of many. Years of work until she opened her first store in Soho, «that store, rented, was my first big break in this wonderful city.» The success was not assured, but this tireless woman kept the type and design. «Agatha sees life in a different color,» says Bissila Boccoco, one of his biggest supporters in New York.

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Poster. Click for more information

When you see life of another color, you work without schedules, also, Agatha has talent, which makes it possible for her to succeed. Agatha Ruiz de la Prada celebrates this month of June its incorporation to the First Exhibition of «Designers and cities,» cradle of the New York fashion, the FIT; and an exhibition that the Cervantes Institute has just inaugurated: «My life in posters».

Agatha pieces in New York exhibition

The Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) is described as the quintessential of originality and design in the United States. «Where Creativity becomes business,» reads the slogan, though of course there are thousands of people who try, but only a few succeed. This June, Agatha started working with three other Spanish designers: Balenciaga, Sybilla and Pedro del Hierro, present in the exhibition «Global Fashion Capitals», which includes ironic models of Spanish designers, but also of Big Park, Prada, Christian Dior, Christopher Kane… Led by Tanya Melendez, responsible for «Public Programs», the exhibition is a treat for Spanish designers who are already among the big international fashion.

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Posters

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada sells its products in 150 countries. From girl to woman clothing, Prêt à Porter and Atelier designs. An idea that has resulted in a business that includes accessories, household complements, decoration… Agatha is an empire that was born with a heart star.

Our director Pilar García de la Granja with Agatha in the presentation of the exhibition in NYC

Since last week, the Cervantes Institute in New York presents the exhibition of «A life in posters». They try to express more than two decades of development and design through posters that explain how to create and understand the lives of Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, «I wanted to inaugurate this exhibition. It’s had years back, and finally, this is the time. The Cervantes Institute is a hive of ideas in New York, and it has finally found a place for my posters «.

Agatha in the presentation of the exhibition and audience

Through posters with own, and original designs, Agatha tried to give an overview of her life and concerns, from her obsession to transmit happiness, and care for the environment. Posters illustrating her collaborations with the international, largest watchmaker, the Swatch Swiss, until her posters for film festivals in middle Europe, its support for equality and women, the fight against poverty and child labor, and includes graphic illustrations of her collections. «This exhibition is a dream come true,» said Agatha in the presentation to dozens of New Yorkers who love fashion – including people from around the world.

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Posters

Agatha has five own stores worldwide, in all major fashion capitals, including New York, now in the Tribeca neighborhood, which is a place of worship for the «Agathistas» but also for lovers of interior design, and originality. Without losing sight of her two inspirations of life «Balenziaga and Chillida, Chillida and Balenziaga,» Agatha Ruiz de la Prada has become an ambassador and icon of Spanish fashion in the world. (Pictures:  Agatha Ruiz de la Prada and Pilar García de la Granja).

Pilar García de la Granja

Periodista especializada en información económica y financiera. Ha trabajado en Expansión TV, WSJ y Onda Cero entre otros. Actualmente es subdirectora de informativos de Mediaset España.


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