Apple Watch. iWatch. iWant.

iWatch Gold, Apple

Apple Watch is first and foremost an incredibly accurate timepiece. It does everything a watch should, but in ways no other watch ever has. It’s also connected to your calendar, your contacts, and your schedule. So in addition to showing you the time, Apple Watch actually understands what time means to you. It helps you be more productive and efficient. So you get more out of every moment.

A device you wear is unlike one you put in your bag or pocket, because it makes a bigger statement about your personal style. So Apple Watch faces are designed to be extensively customizable, from how they look to what they do. When you combine all the possible options, there are virtually endless ways to make Apple Watch your own.

iWatch models, Apple

One Apple Watch face can have a multitude of different looks. When you choose a face, you can also choose the colors and indicate even more details of time, like minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. So when you glance down at your wrist, you see time precisely the way you like.

Many watches include a few specialized functions — known in watchmaking as complications — that go beyond telling the time. But Apple Watch comes with a full range that can be added to most faces. Some complications are traditional, such as moon phases or sunrises and sunsets. And some are unique to Apple Watch, like stock quotes, weather reports, your next calendar event, and a daily activity tracker. When you tap a complication, Apple Watch opens the corresponding app.

iWatch, Apple

Working with iPhone, Apple Watch continually checks against the definitive global time standard with the same precision found in GPS satellites. If you move from one time zone to another, Apple Watch automatically adjusts. And when daylight saving time begins, Apple Watch simply changes to the new time. So you never once have to set it yourself. Stopwatch. Apple Watch presents this popular watch function in digital, analog, or hybrid view. It can even show you a real-time average of your lap times on a graph — something you won’t find on other watches.

Apple Watch is seamlessly connected to your calendar, maps, and reminders, so it can send notifications and alerts based around your life and schedule. It keeps you on track and on time by sending you quick notifications you can read, along with a tap you can feel. And with just a few swipes to the right, you can see how your entire day looks. Check your next calendar event, the weather, your stocks, a map of your current location, and a map to your next destination.

iWatch rose gold, Apple

Apple Watch can be customized. Users will be able to read and respond to messages, use Apple Pay and view notifications, among other things. The watch will also feature a range of third-party apps, including Uber and Shazam. The battery charge lasts about 18 hours.

The watch will be available for pre-order on April 10. Prices for the watch range from $350 for the sport model to $10,000 and higher for the high-end model. The new MacBook computer, Apple’s thinnest and lightest ever at 2 pounds, has an improved keyboard and a retina display. It starts at $1,300.

Pilar García de la Granja

Periodista especializada en información económica y financiera. Ha trabajado en Expansión TV, WSJ y Onda Cero entre otros. Actualmente es subdirectora de informativos de Mediaset España.


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