Clothing Top Purchase by Europeans on Their Mobile Devices

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European shoppers are buying more clothing on their mobile devices than any other product, according to a new European study conducted by Ipsos for ING. Despite being an item consumers traditionally try before they buy, over a third (35%) of Europeans with a smartphone or tablet are using their handheld devices to get their fashion fix – and then hoping it fits.Electronics (32%) and gaming products (19%) are the next most popular purchases among mobile shoppers, while groceries (17%), music (16%) and holidays (16%) follow after.

The ING International Survey on Mobile Banking explores the mobile shopping habits of more than 10,000 consumers with a mobile device across Europe. Impulse buys through the ease of «one-click» ordering could be a factor behind Europeans splashing their cash on the move, with over half (55%) of mobile shoppers more inclined to buy from stores that save their payment details. The lure of these shortcuts also means consumers are likely to be shopping around less and could be missing out on cheaper deals.

Mobile shopping. Click for more information

Across Europe, three fifths (58%) of consumers with a mobile device have used it to buy goods or services in the last 12 months, with the biggest shoppers in Turkey (84%), Poland (64%) and Romania (62%), reflecting the younger populations in these countries. Conversely, uptake has been slowest in Belgium (37%) and the Netherlands (42%), where populations are older.

Mobile shopping is an activity most prevalent among those aged 25-34 years old with a mobile device (74%); however, well over a third of those aged over 55 years with a smartphone or tablet (37%) are also using it to shop online.

Almost two thirds (61%) of men with mobile devices use them to shop, versus just over half of women (54%). While female shoppers are most likely to purchase clothing (women: 37% v men: 33%), men prefer to buy electronics (men: 39% v women: 25%). Interestingly, it is also men who are most likely to buy a holiday using their mobile device (men: 17% v women: 14%).

Mobile shopping. Click for more information

The report found that those who bank using a smartphone or tablet are also more likely to be mobile shoppers. Four fifths (79%) of those questioned have bought an item using their mobile device in the last year, compared with a third (34%) of non-mobile bankers.

ING Senior Economist Ian Bright commented: «Mobile devices are revolutionising the way we manage money. Across Europe it is becoming common for people to shop using a mobile device, and ‘one-click-hope-it-fits’ technology is making it even easier than ever for consumers to get what they want, especially when it comes to retail. While this can give consumers greater choice and put them more in control of their finances, it’s important they don’t forget to search for the best deal, rather than buy on impulse. The increasing acceptance of mobile shopping and mobile payments is contributing to cash being used less often. Some could eventually say goodbye to cash for good .»

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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