A Journey of a Healthy Lifestyle

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Monneyron in his book 50 answers on the mode refers to a work of Descamps (1979) in which this author defines the garment and the complements as exclusive fashion objects. In this context, he directs the look the young persons and his changeable opinions, as causers of the possible end of the fashion as a phenomenon. In the origin of the fashion, as far back as the 17th century, Luis XIV clarified that the fashion had to include everything, and discovered his power of economic transformation. Possibly today we are re-living through a similar period in the development of the taste. Mode and way of life interbreed in our life, well-being, life recovers, to eat healthily and balanced, etc.

We are looking for feel healthy inside and out. (Photo by Atkins)

Fads, these global psychosocial phenomena. It is a reality that no longer traveling to discover places, but to live the experiences, new destinations are experiencing, they are called «emodestinations». These destinations do not have to be located outside of us. The human being is a destination in itself. Therefore, taste changes occur in us, not outside.


In general, we look not just follow fashion, but also look smart in doing so. For example, eating with the head and the stomach. Several examples of this have been able to see in Barcelona a new edition of Biocultura, fair presents innovations for a healthy and respectful life with the environment. It has been presented ifeel maps, a healthy guide that promotes and disseminates all that is needed to feel good about yourself, your community and the environment. Ifeel maps available tools easy and friendly search where you can find all those establishments committed to the welfare and sustainability.

Exercise, diet … Our life tends to be healthier

Another example is healthily, the first application for Android natural health, free download, where center and therapists, eco shops, schools for therapists, farmsteads, events, articles, and more appear. Perform searches by proximity, keyword and also offers a filter «gluten free».


As a novelty Anthroposophic medicine or Salutogenesis presented. Anthroposophic medicine sees disease as a process of transformation and draws a parallel between the stages of the disease and natural phenomena. The doctor examines the causes to develop individual treatments tailored to the unique needs of the patient, curing the disease, but at the same time looking for ways to maintain health.

The trips have also become experiences

Anthroposophic therapies combine medications and artistic therapies (such as painting, music and eurythmy), stimulate and strengthen the self healing forces of the body, the development of resistance and adaptability to change. Beyond conventional prevention, Salutogenesis conceptualizes health as a state of physical, emotional and mental integration, based on the activation of the body’s own defences, the development of resistance and adaptability to change.

Overall, Atkins, Weleda, Sanamente or Ifeel maps are examples of how fads, cause changes in taste and lifestyle, transforming the market.

Lourdes Delgado

Investigadora en moda y estilo de vida. Apasionada del entorno online. Creadora de la aventura Tu look habla. Mi deporte es la comunicación bloguera.

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