Correction of eyelid bags: Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty comes from the Greek word Blepharon, which means "lid" and Plástikos, which means "capable of being molded”.

Julio Puig. 14/08/2015
No hay una edad adecuada para este tipo de operación
No hay una edad adecuada para este tipo de operación
There is no right age for this type of surgery

The excess skin and fat that usually appear over the years, will generate folds and bags on the eyelids that give unaesthetic appearance, shaping an image of tiredness and sadness aging our eyes. In some extreme cases, sagging skin of the upper eyelids can even hinder vision. In other patients like those of Asian origin, this procedure is used to create a new fold in the upper eyelid which there lack the persons of this ethnic origin since his anatomy is different from those of caucasian origin.

Blepharoplasty does not remove «crow’s feet» or other wrinkles, dark «circles», nor lift a sagging eyebrows. It can be performed alone for upper, lower or both eyelids.

La blefaroplastia es una operación muy demandada
Blepharoplasty does not remove «crow’s feet» or other wrinkles

There is no right age for this type of surgery, although it is an intervention that tends to be associated with mature people since the appearance of bags under the eyes can be both early and advanced ages, but as the tissues of that area they are relaxing, the bags are accentuated and increased skin redundancy occurs. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a surgical technique that allows us to rejuvenate the eye shape, and corrects imperfections caused by age appearing on the eyelids.

We’ll explain some characteristics of the surgery:

  • It is usually performed under local anesthesia and mild sedation, so in most cases, the hospital admission is not necessary, performing an outpatient basis.
  • In the upper eyelid we will make a small incision in the crease of it so this will be very sneaky in that eyelid crease thereby removing excess skin.
  • In the lower eyelid, we perform the incision 1 mm below the eyelashes. in this way we can remove or relocate the three bags of fat that form at that level and adjust the skin so that the lid remains as sharp as possible. In cases where it is not necessary to adjust the skin, the surgery is performed by the interior of the eyelid so that there is no visible external marks, it is what is known as TransconjunctivalBlepharoplasty. 
  • Ended the surgical procedurewe apply a cold dry dressing locally to avoid or reduce bruising.
  • Approximately half an hour later, the patient can return home following the postoperative indicated guidelines.
  • Stitches are usually removed 5-7 days, the patient simply live a quiet life during this period and avoid sun exposure.
  • The recovery time is approximately 10 days, after this days the bruises have disappeared and the patient can lead a normal life, taking care to use sunscreen, sunglasses and some moisturizing cream.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure with high levels of security, which achieves a significant change in corporal image of the patients and which produces a great satisfaction in them. We can say that the changes produced by the blepharoplasty are impressive and has become one of the most demanded surgeries at present.

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