Design of smiles, a new concept in oral health

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Odontology has lived an extraordinary and positive change and nowadays it is possible to recreate the final result in our mouth so we can see, feel and experiment how we will look like in just a few months with our new smile. This is what is called Digital Smile Design (DSD), with this innovative protocol, the patient know how the treatment will look like even before starting the process, because the patient can see step by step the final smile.

You can already see how it your teeth before treatment

This protocol starts with a complete diagnosis test with the best technology to create the following plan. It considers the shape, size, colour and placement of the teeth, four fundamental aspects to get a healthy, aesthetic and perfect mouth. It counts on the facial characteristics so they can understand the whole relationship between face, lips, teeth and gums.

The Smile design is useful for a variety of treatments

The design of smiles uses multiple treatments such as dental whitening, orthodontics, more complex cases including those ones needing crowns, prosthesis over implants or individual implants. From the smallest case to the biggest one, the design of the smile has the purpose of getting the desired smile, improving the oral health of the patient and reaching their absolute security during the treatment.

The implantology is not complicated by technology

On the other hand, one of the fears when going to the dentist normally appears when patients start thinking about getting implants. Nevertheless, it is very important to know that implantology has changed completely and now it isn’t just digital it is also immediate. The crown and the implant can be placed in just one appointment. How is this possible?

Thanks to new techniques like the guided surgery and the digital planning. It is designed virtually with a computer, so the implant (the aesthetic and the prosthesis) can be placed with the exact angle and deepness that it needs through a personalized guided surgery. After that, at the moment of the implant, the incisions are controlled to the millimetre, avoiding bleeding and also the need of suture.  This way, the post-surgery process is painless and quick.

A healthy mouth perfect celebrity smiles

Moreover, the immediate loading reduces the process in just one surgery; the damaged teeth can be extracted in the same session that the new ones are going to be implanted. So that, dental implants are really safe treatments thanks to the development of the newest technology in the odontology field that work perfectly when they are applied by skilled professionals. Thanks to the design of smiles, any person can reach the smile they have always imagined and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

Doctor Jorge Escobar

Director médico de la clínica SmyCenter de Madrid. Especialista en DSD (digital smile design) e implantología digital inmediata// Medical Director at SmyCenter Madrid. Specialist in DSD (Digital smile design) and immediate digital implantology.

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