Facial Harmonisation: Rhinoplasty and Rinolook

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Rhinoplasty produces changes in appearance, structure and function of the nose. Click on the image for more information

The nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) is a surgical procedure frequently performed by plastic surgeons. With this, we can produce changes in the appearance, structure and function of the nose. Rhinoplasty can often reduce and sometimes increase the size of the nose, change the shape of the tip, narrow the width of the nostrils, or change the angle between the nose and upper lip. This surgery can help also correct birth defects, nasal injuries, and some breathing problems.

There are a variety of alternatives to consider for a rhinoplasty depending on the internal structure of the nostrils, whether or not deviated septum, the projection regarding the forehead and chin. In some cases, rhinoplasty can be performed in conjunction with other surgeries.

Miley Ray Cyrus was subjected to rhinoplasty.

There is no universal type of rhinoplasty that covers the needs of every patient. rhinoplasty surgery is customized for each patient, depending on his needs. Incisions are usually usually do inside the nose or concealed in inconspicuous locations of the nose when open rhinoplasty is performed. In cases where there disordered breathing by deviated septum internal nasal surgery can be performed to improve breathing while rhinoplasty. This is called Septoplasty, and with it, the changes in the nasal airway and breathing are corrected is improved.

Rhinoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation, or what is more common, with general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of surgery and on the plastic surgeon preferences. The time of surgery is usually between 1 and 2 hours, a nasalsplint is placed at the end of the intervention for 7 days. The patient will remain in the hospital in a minimal period of 6-8 hours after the surgey is finished.

Scarlett Johansson was subjected to rhinoplasty.

The nose is one of the most characteristic facial features because of its central position in the bone structure of the face, which determines the facial beauty of each person. Most patients who undergo rhinoplasty feel well in two days, being able to return to work within approximately 10 days. Nevertheless, physical activities will not have to be realized until any weeks do not happen.

In order that there does not stay any external visible scar, the incisions of the procedure of cosmetic surgery are practised generally and in most cases inside the nose. The patient could see a change in their nasal way when removing the nasal splint after 7 days, while we believe that the final result is reached about 2-3 months.

Rinolook is a cosmetic medicine treatment which is to improve the appearance of the nose without surgery. Click on the image for more information

Rhinoplasty without surgery or Rinolook is a cosmetic medicine treatment which is to improve the appearance of the nose without surgery. With implants filler Radiesse (calcium hydroxyapatite) a more harmonious nose is achieved, we can correct the nasal dorsum and tip. With Rinolook we can also correct a previously operated nose with unsightly consequences.

Radiesse is a virtually «invisible» very natural touch injectable implant, is biocompatible, so do not give allergy, and fits exceptionally well to the aesthetic needs of the face. Both hyaluronic acid and Radiesse offer has been authorized for use in facial augmentation, have CE mark and various authorizations from the FDA in the United States.

Rinolook or treating nasal remodeling, does not require anesthesia. It is usually done in two or three sessions allowing immediate incorporation into everyday life. This technique is not applicable to all noses. There are cases in which the only solution is to operate and cases in which we can choose the two options. This type of treatment is not therefore exclusive of surgical rhinoplasty, but is a complementary technique.

Julio Puig

Cirujano plástico desde 1987. Gerente de varias clínicas de cirugía y medicina estética en Valencia, Gandía y Barcelona. Participa habitualmente en los congresos de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica y también de la Federación Iberoamericana de Cirugía Plástica.

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