Facial Rejuvenation without surgery

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The suture thread tensioners are designed for implantation in the deep part of the skin

In recent times, technological endoscopic surgery have led these processes. But even these techniques generally require incisions of 1 cm length and are therefore visible.We are seeing in recent years, the emergence of a group of more younger patients who do not require surgical procedures but want eligible for other techniques to improve their facial appearance. These patients want procedures leave no scars and get a rejuvenation showing a more youthful appearance. Important to clarify that this method is not recommended for patients with large skin surplus and require a facelift or rhytidectomy.

The suture thread tensioners are designed for implantation in the deep part of the skin, in the hypodermic tissue. There are inserted into the connective tissue frame, lifting and repositioning the areas showing ptosis (gravitational fall tissue) and thus restoring facial contours in these structures.

Thread treatment

It is therefore candidates to be treated with these tensioning wires (wires Aptos® and Happy Lift ™) are patients who do not require a surgical facelift but complain of their looks «tired»; Older patients who do not want to undergo a surgical Facelift or those wishing to improve only part of his face.

Classification Threads. These threads have a small lateral tension prongs along its length which are anchored to tissue. They are designed so that after implantation, their open tines penetrate tissues around, while the different directionality of those extensions a balance of forces is ensured.

Tensioners with bidirectional barbed wire would be non-absorbable permanent Threads (Threads Aptos®) and absorbable suture (Happy Lift ™). The first permanent, comprised poly-propylen with a dye that is non-resorbable blue phtalocyanina. The second is a combination of products resorbable poly-caprolactone-lactic acid, a natural white coloring. These threads are resorbed in about a year.

Usually use the Happy Lift ™ Revitalisation

We usually use the Happy Lift ™ Revitalisation, absorbable suture, because of the versatility that is a product that will be degraded over about a year but whose effects gradually manifest over time, this is due to the effect of fibrosis prolonged the degradation of the same thread; so we get two effects:

  1. An immediate lifting effect due to the mechanical properties of the yarn.
  2. Progressive fibrotic effects caused by activity that is set around the yarn and even the further procedure to degradation thread responsible secondary voltage vector, an important thing is that the force exerted is proportional to the number of threads.
There are two types of tensioning wires

Like all techniques using threads Revitalisation Happy Lift ™ absorbable have advantages and weaknesses. In some cases, it is necessary to apply a combination of thread lift with other surgical or non-surgical procedures, expected to get the right result.

They can be combined with other techniques in order to seek synergies and achieve the desired both by the patient and the surgeon result. Some of the techniques used in combination include dermal and subdermal fillers, botulinum toxin, lipo-filling, blepharoplasty, liposuction, among others.

Tensioning wires reports an immediate lifting effect due to the mechanical properties of the yarn

The advantages of the tensioning wires are:

  1. It is a simple method to perform and very effective.
  2. Immediate Recovery.
  3. They require a local anesthetic.
  4. It provides a three-dimensional projection without adding volume to the face.
  5. Do not leave any marks or scars.
  6. Tips postoperative simple and easy fulfillment.
  7. The satisfaction of the patient is high.
  8. More threads can be inserted later in other time.
Julio Puig

Cirujano plástico desde 1987. Gerente de varias clínicas de cirugía y medicina estética en Valencia, Gandía y Barcelona. Participa habitualmente en los congresos de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica y también de la Federación Iberoamericana de Cirugía Plástica.

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