How does the vegan diet affect to your teeth?

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In recent years there has been a ‘boom’ in the eating habits of many people, who have chosen to abandon the omnivorous diet, adopting dietary veganism. This type of power, also known as strict vegetarianism, consists in avoid consuming any product that has animal origin; direct (meat and fish) or indirect (honey, milk, eggs…). As it happens in all type of regime food, it affects to our denture and oral health, but is it actually negative for our smile?

The vegan diet has many followers

Usually, in a diet based in food of vegetable origin there is no reason to miss any necessary nutrient for our oral health whenever the diet is completed with vitamin supplements and, above all, care about our levels of calcium and amino acids. Nutritional deficiencies are negative in any type of diet, whether vegan or not, but in this one, it is even more important to have control, because, so often, there is a tendency to shortage of elements present in the amounts of animal protein and dairy products.

Our teeth also need nutrients

The effect of the vegan diet on our teeth is produced exclusively by the amount of nutrients ingested, as well as its typology. Our teeth require a series of components that reinforce its structure and keep them healthy to fulfil its main function. Between these we find the calcium and vitamins A, B2, B12, D and all type of biomolecules present in any type of omnivorous diet.

Calcium is essential for your bones and your smile

The benefits of the calcium are known by all, as always it has been associated to bones and the strengthening of the denture. Less well known are the functions of vitamin A, which helps prevent dryness and bleeding gums. As for vitamin D, it is known that it facilitates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, causing stronger gums and the teeth to keep healthy.

It is advisable to eat healthy

The B vitamins are some of the main ones to count on when talking about dental health. Their lack or deficiency can cause molars pain, sensitivity in mucous or gum retraction. Within this group, it is worth highlighting the importance of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and B12 (cobalamin). The first one is responsible for maintaining healthy mucous membranes, although it also participates in the formation of antibodies. On the other hand, the deficit of the second one, something very common in strict vegetarian diets, can cause periodontal disease.

It incorporates the necessary nutrients to your diet

Therefore, what is very important if you’ve chosen vegan diet is to incorporate these nutrients to it so that, your smile is not affected. Also, don’t forget that whatever your circumstances are, your trusted dentist is your best ally to ensure you keep a healthy smile without having to give up the eating model you’ve chosen.

Marisa Nufrio

Directora de IESO (Instituto de Estudios Superiores Odontológicos) entre 2004 y 2011, fundadora de varias clínicas odontológicas y de la Dental Education Ocupational School. En la actualidad, es fundadora de Smylife y directora de Smylife España. Junto a José Álvarez, fue pionera en asociar el lujo y la exclusividad a las clínicas dentales.

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