Loss of Teeth, How Does It Affect Our Smile?

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A missing tooth is a common problem among adults, sometimes due to a traumatism in their mouth or as a consequence of an issue in their oral health. What are the most common related problems to it? The most common are these: periodontitis and gingivitis that can lead in the loss of teeth in extreme cases, because they lose their support due to the damaged gum and as a consequence, they finally fall down.

The lack of dental pieces implies an important deformation of the smile.

For our smile, the lack of dental pieces implies an important deformation of the smile, provoking a sinking lip if the loss belongs to the front area. The decrease of the jawbone carries the decrease of the gum. This situation can lead in pronunciation problems in some phonemes or sounds, or even when chewing some kind of food.

The loss of a dental piece also provokes gaps in between the adjacent teeth

But this doesn’t finish here… once the alveolar bone is lost the base bone of the jaw also starts decreasing. The distance from the nose to the chin starts getting smaller and with it, we lose not only the aesthetic but also the functionality. The loss of a dental piece also provokes gaps in between the adjacent teeth so that, they tend to move, increasing the risk of caries and the aesthetic of the smile gets worse too. When a tooth is the missing piece, the chewing process is done in the opposite side, forcing the rest of the teeth and provoking a biggest wear in that area.

Dental implants are the best solution to replace lost dental pieces.

Finally, it is important to mention that another problem related with the fear of dentist and the pain of surgeries is that the deterioration of the maxillary. When we lose a dental piece we don’t substitute it immediately with an implant, because of that fear, which is worse as we mention before. Dental implants are the best solution to replace lost dental pieces.

With the new advances in dental implants it is already possible to place the implant and the dental crown in the same visit.

The dental implant acts as it was the root of the teeth, merging with the maxillary bone of the patient and avoiding with it the bone loss produced by the fall of a piece. Moreover, with the new advances in dental implants it is already possible to place the implant and the dental crown in the same visit thanks to the immediate loading implants.

There are dental bridges or different dental prosthesis.

Thanks to the new techniques in guided surgery and digital planning virtually designed with a computer, the aesthetic implant and the prosthetic one, with the angulation and exact deepness through a personalized surgical guide. But this isn’t the only option, there are dental bridges or different dental prosthesis, fixed or removable, they are implanted solutions, more aesthetic and with a very natural results for our smile.

Doctor Jorge Escobar

Director médico de la clínica SmyCenter de Madrid. Especialista en DSD (digital smile design) e implantología digital inmediata// Medical Director at SmyCenter Madrid. Specialist in DSD (Digital smile design) and immediate digital implantology.

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