New Year, New Smile

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It is sure that, at least once, you have seen in the media or in the Tv that actor or actress you love and wondered how they get that beautiful smile, right? Advertising, adverts or even movies show us the importance of having white, aligned and healthy teeth. Because of that, more are the people concerned about their aesthetic and more and more are the ones aiming to show the best of the smiles.

The arrival of the new year, implies also the moment when we establish new goals

Taking advantage of 2016 getting to its end, same as everyone, you have probably strike a balance of all the last months, reviewing all those happy moments that made you smile and cheered up your heart. Moreover, the arrival of the new year, implies also the moment when we establish new goals, known as New Year’s resolutions, basically because: New Year, new life, isn’t it? So, what if we include our oral health in that list of new goals?

The 70% of the adult population feels complex with their mouth

According to the experience of Smylife, the 70% of the adult population feels complex with their mouth, teeth and therefore, their smile. This feeling, that sometimes is unconsent, ends up conditioning negatively the person, damaging their mind and self esteem. For this reason, more and more, the goal of a lot of people is to get that perfect smile. Precisely, for this, Smylife counts with one of their most famous treatments, the design of smiles. Smydesign is a revolutionary system of dental aesthetic based in the most exclusive digital techniques that permit to see the final result even before the treatment starts.

Having the smile you ever dreamed of, is now possible.

This way, the patient can try on their ideal smile in their mouth and feel how they will look with it. The design of the smile, made always individually and personalized, looks for the harmony applying the Golden proportion and the main four essential factors to get the desired result: colour, shape, position and facial features. After that, and following an oral diagnosis, the specialist studies and determines the most accurate treatment to always get successful results. Having the smile you ever dreamed of, is now possible.

Marisa Nufrio

Directora de IESO (Instituto de Estudios Superiores Odontológicos) entre 2004 y 2011, fundadora de varias clínicas odontológicas y de la Dental Education Ocupational School. En la actualidad, es fundadora de Smylife y directora de Smylife España. Junto a José Álvarez, fue pionera en asociar el lujo y la exclusividad a las clínicas dentales.

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