The 3 basic steps for a perfect beard!

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Taking care of your beard should not be an annoying commitment; actually it’s quite the opposite. It takes few simple steps to turn it into a nice routine that’ll help your beard look better than ever!

Dear reader, like I mentioned in my previous article, growing a nice beard is not as simple as it may appear: It is not only about not shaving our facial hair.

Follow a little ritual care allow us to have the perfect beard

The beard plays a major role defining our face’s shape, and almost unwittingly, it will become the face that identifies us. I’m pretty sure people will always remember your beard before remembering your eyes color. Therefore, having this relevant importance on your image, you have no choice but taking care of it.

In this article we will talk about the 3 basic steps to follow to take care of your beard. You must repeat them on daily basis; just like a mantra that should turn into your ritual. It will not take much of your time and with some practice, it will become a process that you won’t be able to leave behind.

Clean your beard with warm water and natural soap Holy Barba. Click here to buy

Clean your beard!
It sounds stupid, but I assure you that many guys do not do it. Just like you wash your face every morning, like you wash your hands or your private parts… your beard should be washed every day. This last is exposed to external agents like some food remains, liquids, smoke, etc… that leave your beard dirty and your facial hair weaker. Nor should we forget that also the skin under accumulates impurities that we should wash away.

There are plenty of sanitizers in the market, specially formulated for this purpose. Some of them are made of chemicals, others are 100% natural that I highly recommend. In addition of cleaning your beard, these special soaps will also provide your skin with a high hydration, as facial hair, by its nature, tends to drying it. You can find these soaps as bars or in bottles, and I recommend you to apply it under the shower, with hot water to open your pores and clean your skin deeply. The soaps are more effective when your pores are open, this is why, the right moment to clean your beard and skin is under the hot shower.

Moisturize the beard with the Avere la Barba oil. Click to buy

Dry it and moisturize it well!
Once out of the shower, you should dry your beard to remove the excess of humidity. To do so, use a dry towel and a hair dryer at the end. Now, with the help of a wide comb, brush your beard so you remove any possible knot.

Using soap to clean our beard and dry it, makes the hair rough and dry. This is why you should moisturize your facial hair so it grows softer and healthier. You can procure the desired hydration for your beard applying special oils, balms or wax that also gives you some fixation. As for oils, there are many brands in the market and a wide range of aromas and scents.

Malayerba wax beard and mustache. Click here to buy

¡Styling it!
Now that your beard is clean and moisturized, it’s time to fix it. With the help of a good brush with natural bristles, comb it from the roots to the tips to distribute the oil or balm you have applied. Top it with a little wax for your mustache (Malayerba) or even the edges of your beard so you have it fixed for a longer period.

There are certain things we can do ourselves at home concerning the styling of our beard: trimming open ends, shaving those areas where hair shouldn’t grow (cheekbones, lower neck, etc.). However, in order not to destroy our beard, it is better to go to our barber of confidence.

Carles Suñé González

Periodista y blogger. Fundador y director del portal lifestyle masculino 'No sin mi Barba' y autor del libro homónimo. Catalán barbudo y gallego de adopción.

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