The Effects of Pregnancy in Your Smile

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Even though the majority of us associate pregnancy to changes in our body, our teeth also suffer modifications. During pregnancy there is more hormone segregation and the blood flow increases, which help in the development of gum illnesses. Likewise, nausea and vomiting (typical of this period) contain also acids that damage the enamel, making it weak and putting the teeth in risk of getting caries.

To maintain a good smile during pregnancy you must care for the health of your mouth

Gingivitis is the main problem in pregnant women, also known as gingivitis gravidarum, because the new situation of their bodies provoke that the thin plaque layer that used to be normal, now can become a tartar illness. The main symptoms are sensitive, red or shiny and inflamed gums, bleeding during brushing or during dental floss, sores and ulcers in severe cases, and a bad taste.

Take care of your oral health during pregnancy

If these problems aren’t solved on time, they could turn into complications like:

  • Periodontitis: it’s a sort of advanced gingivitis that affect bones and soft tissues. If they aren’t treated they can end up with the loose of dental pieces.
  • Blistering or lumps: they are formed straight in the gums and are easily resectable with no side effects that could be fatal for the mother and the baby.
Visit the dentist during pregnancy

Moreover, according to a study realized by the Odontology University of Alabama, women with periodontal illnesses have more probabilities of having a premature birth. So, if you are pregnant, do not forget to visit your dentist periodically, to have under control every change in your teeth. One of the main treatments is to get a professional cleaning to eliminate the accumulated plaque in the mouth, reducing the inflammation and the risk of complications.

Anything to change your smile during pregnancy

However, it will be the dentist who will decide, depending on your case, which is your ideal treatment. It is also important to prevent the apparition of any complication, to follow a good routine of oral hygiene, avoiding sugared food, the intake of Vitamin C and, during the vomiting period, the use of oral antibacterial washers. Do not let anything ruin a gorgeous and beautiful stage as it is the pregnancy and… Smile!

Marisa Nufrio

Directora de IESO (Instituto de Estudios Superiores Odontológicos) entre 2004 y 2011, fundadora de varias clínicas odontológicas y de la Dental Education Ocupational School. En la actualidad, es fundadora de Smylife y directora de Smylife España. Junto a José Álvarez, fue pionera en asociar el lujo y la exclusividad a las clínicas dentales.

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