The Orthodontics Adapted to Your Life  

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A lot of people give up the opportunity of showing a beautiful smile because they think they are grown up to fix it or just because they don’t want to wear orthodontics that makes difficult their day a day living. However, new developments in odontology make it possible to avoid these problems because nowadays orthodontics gets adapted to your life.

You are the only one who knows you are wearing it

The digital orthodontics system SmySecret permits to combine an advanced system of digital planning of your smile in 3D with the invisible orthodontics, getting the best results. It is totally transparent and removable, so that it can’t be seen by others, you are the only one who knows you are wearing it, but always keeping its function and doing perfectly its job: correct the position of the teeth and create the perfect smile for each person. It is used for any kind of problem; from teeth located one on top of another to the alignment of the teeth. As it can’t be seen, it allows you to wear it all the time without the feeling that everyone is looking at your mouth. A perfect solution for people that work with direct customers and their image is a must.

Nobody will notice that you wear orthodontic

Using the most advanced technology in oral design and applying it to odontology, the specialists are able to plan each step needed to get a perfect result. Once all the measurements are taken and all the tests are done, it is possible to establish an exact diagnosis thanks to the analysis assisted by a computer. It simulates the movement of the teeth and the following actions to their relocation. This way, the processes is faster and, evens more; it is more precise and effective. Once this is done, the aligners adapted to each patient are in charge of all the rest, always of course, under a permanent supervision of the dentist.

Perfect teeth

It is a treatment that the past few years has won a lot of fans because of their advantages. A lot of celebrities have used and use this invisible orthodontics to change their image secretly. With SmySecret, bad located teeth belong to the past. No one has to know that you are improving your smile. So, If you think you need it, do not doubt it and come to the invisible orthodontics side. You will feel better inside and outside!

Marisa Nufrio

Directora de IESO (Instituto de Estudios Superiores Odontológicos) entre 2004 y 2011, fundadora de varias clínicas odontológicas y de la Dental Education Ocupational School. En la actualidad, es fundadora de Smylife y directora de Smylife España. Junto a José Álvarez, fue pionera en asociar el lujo y la exclusividad a las clínicas dentales.

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