Naam Yoga: The Ultimate Yoga Experience

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Unless you have been living under a rock, you know the whole movement about body, mind and spirit is the talk of the town. Yoga is back and in countless varieties! For the past 2 years, I have practiced all types around the world: Spain, Switzerland, South Africa, Rwanda etc… Funny enough, I found my way to yoga bliss right here in New York and Los Angeles: Naam Yoga.

A pure luxury experience for your body and senses.

Naam is a life-changing yoga practice and movement flourishing not just here in the US but across borders.  Founded  by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, Naam yoga is a platform for self-healing and holds multiple virtues the medical community has fully embraced. Harmonyum therapy is a must-try, a pure luxury experience for your body and senses.

Naam yoga brings together people from all walks of life, age and body type.

Naam uses music as the language of the heart to regulate the entire body through both tone and rhythm. Indeed, the human body is an instrument which requires to be kept in proper tune, otherwise it gets out of order. Naam allows to maintain the proper tone and notes for each person so that mind, body and spirit can be balanced.

Naam is a life-changing yoga practice and movement flourishing not just here in the US but across borders.

When we are in poor health or unhappy, our inner music stops playing. When we vibrate out our own note, we are in rhythm for the peace for which we are created. Naam yoga beautifully brings us into a state of harmony in rhythm: a healing rhythm – in our blood, glandular and nervous systems.

Naam uses music as the language of the heart to regulate the entire body through both tone and rhythm.

As with all yoga practices, breathing is key and powerful to impact the body. Did you know there are nerves from the brain and the spine that coarse all over the body? Naam causes the brain to work better because through vibrations which results in increased vitality: a sharper mind, a better memory.

Naam yoga might just be the fountain of youth.

A sense of community.
Naam yoga brings together people from all walks of life, age and body type. We enter the class with our differences and all leave it with the same unparalleled zen and harmonious energy. It only takes one experience to feel comfortable and enjoy a unique sense of community.

Naam yoga is a platform for self-healing and holds multiple virtues the medical community has fully embraced.

Now, let us not forget the most sought-after benefit of Naam… After only a few weeks of practice, your friends and family might  start inquiring about your radiant glow, secret skin regimen and fully rejuvenated mind, body and spirit. You got it! Naam yoga might just be the fountain of youth.

Bisila Bokoko

Empresaria internacional muy galardonada, conferenciante y filántropa afincada en NYC. Fundadora en 2012 de la consultoría BBES, ha participado en el programa de las Naciones Unidas EMPRETEC y en su organización sin ánimo de lucro, BBALP, trabaja por la construcción de bibliotecas en distintos puntos de África. International award-winning businesswoman, speaker and philanthropist based in NYC. Launched her consulting firm, BBES in 2012. Working in EMPRETEC, a United Nations programme that supports up and coming entrepreneurs and through BBALP, her non-profit organization, is committed to building libraries across Africa.

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