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Discover the most special table

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Table An/Cha by Nikolas Piper

Conceived for people who are impassioned by the work of the creator, all designs speak a language of sensuality and humor. His incentive to create something unique is nothing more than the inspiration he finds from his clients. It is their absolute confidence in his work that allows him to create without losing sight of the perfect finished product, while maintaining utmost respect for the environment.

Like all his pieces, the concept for this table was conceived like a Haute Couture dress, made for an actual client on the hunt for the perfect fit and the highest possible quality. It is commitment to timeless design united with functionality that makes his creations unique.

Mesa AN/CHA came about when a couple of Spanish art collectors were looking for a special piece: something that would serve as both a sculpture and a dining room table. It had to seat 12 and enhearten guests and hosts alike to eat, converse or simply marvel. This tall order was a privilege, according to Nikolas, not only because of the faith that his clients placed in him, but also for the satisfaction of showcasing one of his pieces in such a magical location: the island of Mallorca.

Nikolas Piper.

It was the perfect backdrop to showcase the piece, which channels both chaos and vibrancy while coming together in perfect balance. It is an accurate portrayal of the clients, who Nikolas claims are quite an impressive match. He, an atypical banker, is perhaps a touch unpredictable and she, an architect by profession, is a perfectionist in the best sense of the word. Both have a love for the type of impossible symmetry found in the design of Nikolas Piper.

These particular clients happen to be car racing fanatics. This passion is shared by Nikolas who found further inspiration for the table from the cars and the races. This connection electrified the entire process, from initial sketches to final installation. The foot of the table is made of eight rings in automotive steel. Its base is a hoop of stainless steel filled with lead that stabilizes the table; while at the same time giving the illusion that the table is in motion.

Table An/Cha Nikolas Piper

Even the composition of the rings looks accidentally placed, the size and position of every single ring has been precisely calculated to ensure a perfect balance. To avoid any sign of mounting system on the shape, it was necessary to connect one ring with another from the inside. The top is made in one single piece of tempered glass, which allows us a bird´s eye view of the design and gives the table a weightless look in spite of its expanse. After the initial designing process, the table took two months to be completed at the workshop. The process was an artisanal one, however at select phases the most advanced techniques, like water jet cut or latest foundry processes.

For the color choice, Nikolas was inspired by the racing cars of the client. These racy colors are a clear wink at the tendency of the client for risk taking. The method of two-coat paint is the same used for automobiles to reach the desired perfect finish. Everything about this process was an exciting and challenging experience for Nikolas Piper, though it may have been a long shot for the clients, it resulted in a happy ending.

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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