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Get back the beauty of your smile

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A beautiful smile, is possible

A healthy, harmonious and beautiful smile is possible. And to wear a complete smile it is a must to keep healthy gums. During our youth our teeth are white and voluminous, the enamel shines and we have pink gums. However, as we grow up, the teeth get dark and worn, sometimes the enamel is gone and the gums let the roots of our teeth start to show up.

It is actually a fact that our teeth also suffer the time passing. As a consequence, there is a change in the harmony and the beauty of our face. A common problem nowadays, is the gingival recession, a process where the gums tend to recess lightly, making our teeth to seem bigger due to the wide area with no coverage. This situation leads to an unsightly image of sharp and unhealthy teeth.

Thanks to the last dental anti-aging techniques, which main objective is to rejuvenate the smile, this common gum´s problem can be solved.

Nevertheless, we cannot ignore that digital odontology is actually a revolution in this field giving excellent improvements to all patients and to the professionals working with it. Thanks to the last dental anti-aging techniques, which main objective is to rejuvenate the smile, this common gum´s problem can be solved.

The most common causes of this recession are a wrong and brusque teeth brushing technique, or using a tooth brush with hard bristles. Sometimes recessed gums are no more than a sign of a periodontal illness affecting the periodontal (the area surrounding the teeth).  This can lead to two different types: gingivitis, inflammation of the gums and periodontitis, a symptom that can get worse if there aren’t regular visits to the specialist, and the loss of the bone structure holding the teeth, misaligned or deformed teeth, can cause also the gingival recession.

Using innovative scanning technology and the image processing used for the design of a perfect smile

Traditional odontology is now letting some room to the new and modern procedures to the diagnosis, using innovative scanning technology and the image processing used for the design of a perfect smile. Any patient suffering gum´s recession could be able to see through a screen and in a 3D image which are the issues causing this illness, for instance, this patient will see red and sensitive gums, the accumulated tartar or the gap in between the teeth. Moreover, the patient will be able to anticipate the final result and watch how the smile is going to look like after the treatment. In this case, this treatment is made through a gum graft surgery. In this procedure, the specialists take some gum tissue from an adjacent tooth and once it is placed in the affected area, the stem cells initiate the regeneration process, that end up covering the naked root and resetting the gum in its ideal position.

Unfortunately, time goes through everyone but we can make it pass slower. How? Thanks to esthetical techniques, almost pain free, invisible, with immediate effects, minimally invasive and with spectacular results, giving back the balance of the smile.

Doctor Jorge Escobar

Director médico de la clínica SmyCenter de Madrid. Especialista en DSD (digital smile design) e implantología digital inmediata// Medical Director at SmyCenter Madrid. Specialist in DSD (Digital smile design) and immediate digital implantology.

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