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Rolex Live and Let Die

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Art director and British production designer Syd Cain worked on over 30 movie projects, and received international fame for playing a key role as gadget designer in the James Bond movies. The acclaimed Rolex Submariner worn was memorable for its buzzsaw bezel that spun and could cut through rope to escape dangerous situations, and its hyper intensified magnetic field with the ability to deflect bullets. Used for both humor and heightened dramatic events, the magnetic power could unzip Miss Caruso’s dress, and catch a spoon off of a coffee saucer.

Rolex Submariner «Live and Let Die». Click for more information

The present Rolex reference 5513 «Q» is the most unforgettable watch prop used in a movie and is even signed inside the caseback «Roger Moore 007». As a highlight in the most iconic scenes of «Live and Let Die», this watch is sure to interest both watch collectors and true fans of cinematography alike.

Rolex Submariner «Live and Let Die». Click for more information

Syd Cain: An accomplished movie production designer, «Syd» Cain is best known for his creative work on four films of the famous James Bond 007 series. His work on the series followed his successful efforts supporting Producer Albert R. Broccoli on two films in 1954 and 1956. Broccoli chose Cain for «Dr. No» in 1962, and went on to assume the role of art director for 1963’s «From Russia With Love». That film introduced Q, the legendary character responsible for issuing gadgets to James Bond.

Rolex Submariner «Live and Let Die». Click for more information

It was Cain who was designing these gadgets in actuality, including villain’s gadgets, such as the poisoned-tipped blade of Rosa Klebb’s shoes, and of course this Rolex Submariner 5513 worn in 1973’s «Live and Let Die». Cain (1918-2011) was himself a survivor, having managed to walk away from a plane crash during World War II, and later, surviving a lightning strike. Notably, he also served as assistant art director for Stanley Kubrick, and production designer for Alfred Hitchcock and Jack Gold. Survived by five sons and three daughters, he was a popular personality with James Bond fans, and wrote an autobiography documenting his experiences with the 007 films: «Not Forgetting James Bond: The Autobiography of James Bond Production Designer Syd Cain».

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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