#BeautyStory by Dove

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Dove Four Generations Family. Click to buy

When it comes to a woman’s beauty habits, it is a mother’s influence that means the most. New research by Dove found that more than half of women agree that their mother taught them their first beauty routine, and many still incorporate those beauty routines into their lives today.

While today’s society is often dominated by celebrity culture, or viewed as such, the study unveils that it is the real relationships in a woman’s life that leave the strongest lasting beauty impression. Three times as many women said their mothers influenced their beauty routines than say celebrities have, and a staggering 84% of women trust the women in their lives over celebrities for beauty tips and advice.

Dove White Beauty Bar. Click to buy

The study shows the impact that these women – mothers, sisters, daughters and friends – have on each other’s relationships with beauty.  From the tips they follow, the routines they practice and the advice they trust, women turning to each other positively influences their perceptions of beauty.  In fact, nearly three quarters of women believe that the women in their lives have had a positive impact on how they view their personal beauty.

Launching today is the new Dove Beauty Stories: Four Generations campaign and film, which encourages women to honor the women in their lives that have taught them how to live beautifully. In celebration of the iconic Dove Beauty Bar, a product that has been passed down among women for nearly 60 years, the campaign is set to inspire the next generation with the lessons, tips and advice they have learned through the power of storytelling.
Documented in the film is the story of one real family that wrote a letter to Dove thanking the brand for the message they stand for and the products they offer.  The Dove Beauty Bar has become their family beauty secret that has been passed down through four generations of women along with lessons of beauty and confidence. Dove captured their story to illustrate the powerful impact women have on each other’s beauty habits and perceptions. The film is meant to inspire other women to pass down their personal beauty stories and celebrate the women who have influenced them.

“When we were approached by this inspiring family of strong, confident women, we knew that we wanted to share their story,” said Jennifer Bremner, Director of Skin Cleansing at Unilever. “As women, we learn what beauty means from the stories and lessons passed down to us, and in turn, influence the women in our lives as well as future generations. As a brand, we strive to offer products that give real beauty benefits to real women and are proud that the Dove Beauty Bar has been a part of so many women’s beauty stories.”

Dove White Beauty Bar. Click to buy

Beginning on May 4, Dove will call on its community to share their own #BeautyStory and celebrate the real women that have inspired them. Throughout the week, leading up to Mother’s Day, followers and fans of the brand’s social channels will be prompted to celebrate the different women in their life from their aunts to their sisters to their best friends. The socially driven campaign will culminate on Mother’s Day where women will have the opportunity to pay homage to their mothers and the beautiful lessons they taught them.

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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