Children’s Style

A kid can like different styles of fashion.

By María. 09/02/2014
Hanna Andersson. Make clic to know more
Hanna Andersson. Make clic to know more
Hanna Andersson. Make clic to know more

A kid can like different styles of fashion. For example, I have a simple, modern style. When kids wear their style they feel creative and unique, though sometimes parents don´t like their childs likes of clothing.

Example of that would be that I like «shorts» and my mom doesn´t. She does not like it when I wear them. A kids parents other times likes their child’s style. For example, my mom likes it when I wear dresses. I don´t know if you like them but I do. Anyway, I am not going to force you to like them because…Every child has their own style!

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