Pets Anecdotes and Celebrities

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There are about 1,000 million between dogs and cats worldwide. In coexistence inevitably occur many anecdotes. It would be impossible to relate you all. I have selected those which to me seem more interesting or curious and unfamiliar with dogs and cats of celebrities, such as actors, singers and writers, among others.

Elvis singing «Hound Dog» to a Hound Dog. Many fans of Elvis and named their pets.

The name of Elvis dog or cat is a very common name. The king of rock has millions of followers over the world, of all ages and backgrounds fans. But there are two famous singers who named his dog Elvis for different reasons: One was John Lennon, for admiration. Joaquín Sabina, however put you name your dog as Elvis in the wake of a story told to him by Gabriel García Márquez. García Márquez was dressing and one of his grandchildren asked him where he was going, he replied: » visit King » – I think it was the King Juan Carlos I of Spain, not the King of Sweden on the occasion of the Nobel Prize – his grandson replied him: Elvis ?. No comment.

Beyonce & Munchie / Munchies. The famous vegan muffins.

Beyonce and «Munchie»: Beyonce’s dog loves food from this famous brand, especially vegan muffins, hence its name.

George Lucas & Indiana.

Indiana, the Alaskan Malamute of George Lucas not only inspired the nickname for adventurer Henry Jones Jr. in the famous saga of 80s, also the character of Chewbacca of Star Wars because his furry friend always accompanied him in the front seat co-driver in the car.

Paul McCartney with his beloved dog, Martha

The famous Beatles song «Martha, my dear.» was Paul McCartney dedicated to his dog, Martha.

Salvador Dalí & Babou.

Sigmund Freud loved the Chow Chow and his favorite, Jo-Fi helped him in many of its therapies, especially with children. Dalí had a majestic ocelot cat, named Babou, that he adored, but it has not come to find cat hair in his paintings, like those of Renoir, although even Dalí traveled with him up to New York.

Always It was said that the origin of stuttering of Marilyn was caused by her neighbor shot and killed her first dog that she adored , causing such trauma that she was 4 months without speaking anything and never was fully recuperated.  But there is no doubt that she sang «Happy Birthday» (and «acted») perfectly.

Martha Stewart and her Chow Chow at Plaza Hotel in New York.

Marilyn Monroe and Elvis had dogs and cats in addition to many other animals, but I think they had very bad learned the concept because as both Marilyn a dog and Elvis and a monkey had alcoholics animals, because they  give whiskey to drink . As you will understand I do not see anything funny. And I would say that whoever gets the bright idea to do this kind of jokes to make videos and upload them to youtube, stay away from any animal because it is not even able to respect himself.

Hemingway Cat (Cat with polydactyly: 6 toes on each front paw).

Hemingway came to live surrounded by nearly 40 cats that he put peculiar names, how could it be otherwise, most of them with polydactyly, ie with 6 fingers what is already known as Hemingway cats. Cats normally have 18 fingers (5 in each of the front paws and four on each of the rear), they often have polydactyly, the most common one I appointed you and absolutely nothing happens therefore always than an exaggerated polydactyly that bothers the animal for its normal life.

T.S. Eliot wrote their cats the musical Cats as a tribute

The musical Cats is based on a book of poems entirely devoted to cats and their world, written by T. S. Elliot for some it is the writer’s cat lover. Antonio Burgos wrote «Cats Without Borders» starring Remo, the cat that he adopted. It is a book full of emotions that  the pen pals of Remo transmit to you.

Polydactyly is common in cats

There have also been writers pets very «peculiar» but in my judgment the jackpot takes the author of the Aeneid. According to Robert Schnakenberg account in his book «The Secret Life of great writers» Virgil had a fly. At his death he organized a fabulous funeral where he spent the equivalent of what today would be one million dollars (800,000 sesterces of the time) and served to avoid «endless greed of the Treasury.» He was buried in a tiny  mausoleum in his land. True love, I do not think he had much to fly as an adult fly lives between 15 and 25 days and a full summer can be up to 12 generations of flies.

Virgilio and his fly

Personally I think about this story is that Virgilio mount all the show to avoid being expropriated their land, since he had the information that would be done with all, except those in which there were mausoleums because it is considered sacred. When  the law came to enactment , their land were not subject to expropriation.

Laura Martínez España

Empresaria. Especializada en lujo y lifestyle. Fundadora de Maresla y JetPet. Colaboradora de grandes marcas y multinacionales de moda. www.maresla.com

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