Political Animals (II)

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Many people believe that the most loyal advisers of presidents and an extraordinary appeal in electoral campaign to project important nuances about the candidate’s personality, with their names and their presence are their pets, mostly dogs and cats.

In the United States was George Washington, a so-called one of the  «founding fathers» the first in advertise their pets during his presidency. President Washington once had even a camel. I recommend you visit this web is very interesting and of high quality.  You can even know how you can visit Mount Vernon with your dogs.

George Washington with his horse. Click to buy souvenir

In USA if there is an animal par excellence star in politics is certainly the presidential dog. It is well-known phrase falsely attributed to President Truman «If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog». Hence the tradition of all US presidents in the White House have at least one dog. Less well known is that since 1999, there is in use a Presidential Pet Museum in charge of keeping track of pets that accompanied different Presidents.  While at the Museum are registered about 50 pets, it is estimated to be more than 200 animals that have lived there throughout History.

Bo and Sunny in the Oval Office.

Currently there is not one, but two presidential dog Bo, the white paws and  Sunny Portuguese waters dog who entered the White House in 2013, four years later.

A Portuguese water dog Bo, Sunny, costs about U $ S 2000.00 in the United States. He ran a lot of virtual ink in blogs and forums on the election of President Obama, but Bo is a gift from the late Sen. Edward Kennedy and his wife Victoria. You know how is internet and how the people reminded President Obama his wish that was not a purebred dog, but with mixed «like him» in his own words in the speech of Victoria, and it was a dog from adoption. Bo, is a dog that was rejected by its first owner, actually. Sunny has not transcended its origin but born in the State of Michigan.

President Obama and Bo on the Air Force One. (Photo: Cordon Press)

The Obama family made donations to the Humane Society of Washington, the Washington Humane Society occasion of the arrival of both dogs which haven’t come to know the exact amounts. It seems very tender regarding the presidential pet but is serious. Of course passes the same controls that are required for any animal in the United States, as the strict analysis of rage needed to step Hawaii because there does not exist . Only that the presidential pets are met, examined and checked by a military veterinarian.

Bo has reportedly reached cost taxpayers more than $ 100,000 a year in 2012 and according to current data cost the same each year per dog. Of the total of 1,400 million dollars it costs the American people the support of the Obama family. They have run false and inaccurate charges on presidential pets Obama family as solo flight in a private jet to Maine Bo when the first family news traveled there.

If social networks played an important role in the first campaign of President Obama not forget Bo and Sunny, they have their own Twitter, Facebook and even YouTube channel. In addition to photos and mentions in the personal accounts of @potus and @flotus, even instagram.

Judging by the images coming out to Obama as has happened many parents who promise their children dogs and then they are those who most enjoy. It´s easy to see Bo in the Oval Office or  Michelle with Bo and Sunny in many hearings and Obama running and playing with both. This official White House video you can see the presentation of Sunny as a second US First Dog.

But at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue also other dogs and pets walked, played and lived wonderfully.

George W. Bush with Barney.

Former President George W. Bush, loves dogs and in the White House as a presidential dog had a black Scottish terrier, Barney who came to bite a Reuters reporter at the ankle, as Barney´s fans thinks the dog was tired of the many criticisms his master received. They didn’t go far wrong since there wasn’t any but a journalist critical of Bush, whom he had a special hostility and it was the day the President communicated the transfer of powers to the White House staff.

Socks and Buddy. One of the few pictures together at the White House. (Photo: bjbangs)

During President Bill Clinton, Buddy, his Labrador, was the first dog in the country, but was most famous cat Socks , by having them white paws (in fact it was Chelsea Clinton’s) that reached more than 100,000 letters a year during the 8-long mandate of Clinton. Socks and Buddy had to keep them in separate rooms because they took as the popular saying: Bad.

President Kennedy family with some of her many pets. Caroline Kennedy petting Charlie. (Photo: kbps)

JFK also had several dogs, -despite their allergy- a cat, rabbits, a pony, horses, hamsters, canaries and parakeets. But the highlights were Charlie and Pushinka. Charlie was an weish Terrier featuring President Kennedy used the therapeutic nature and soothing asked dogs after he was taken away before taking a decision on how to deal with the Russian fleet during the crisis of the missiles from Cuba. People say that after a while petting him, sent him to the animal facility -he ordered -and said: «It seems that it is now time to make a decision.»

Pushinka in the offices of the West Wing .

Pushinka, the dog that I told you by the President Khrushchev (in some texts that have gave it to his daughter Caroline Kennedy … to avoid double reading) was not a breed dog but dog with history. She was the daughter of two «dognauts» Russians. His mother was Strelka, unlike Laika, did return alive after his journey through space aboard Sputnik 5. When Pushinka was received in Washington he passed a comprehensive check to verify that carried no any transmitter inside and was not a «Trojan horse» in the form of dog. Pushinka and Charlie, joined their lives during the Cold War and the White House hosted her four cubs to President Kennedy called in jest, The Pupniks.

Charlie with the first pardoned turkey.

President Kennedy was also the one who taught their dogs to receive him when he arrived at the Marine One. As the first to pardon a turkey for Thanksgiving that carried  a label on the neck with the phrase have a nice dinner.

One legged rooster. One of the original pet Theodore Roosevelt .

The twenty-sixth president, Theodore Roosevelt, whose presidency began in 1901, housed the largest number of pets ever seen in the White House. His menagerie included a small bear named Jonathan Edwards, a lizard named Bill, guinea pigs who called Admiral Dewey, Doctor Johnson, Bishop Doane, Bob Evans, and O’Grady; Maude the pig; Josiah badger; Eli Yale blue macaw; Baron Spreckle hen, a hyena, an owl, Peter rabbit and the pony Algonquin very  loved by the children of the president.

If you do not know what to name your next pet here. You can see a list with 90 names of dogs that lived in the White House, with their breed and what President belonged.

Laura Martínez España

Empresaria. Especializada en lujo y lifestyle. Fundadora de Maresla y JetPet. Colaboradora de grandes marcas y multinacionales de moda. www.maresla.com

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