Celebrity Revival Summer Tours

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As summer approaches beautiful people usually prepared to retreat and enjoy at least four weeks of inner nurturing by means of enjoying beaches; mountains; rivers or exotic seas full of paradisiac places that force the mind to unwind and to search for spirituality. Recently however spirituality has transcended picture perfect destinations to enter the realm of celebrity revival. Departed glitterati are now sought by loyal fans that are willing to pay tribute until death brings their feelings to an end.

The last house where lived Marilyn Monroe

This kind of following had only been enjoyed in years past by Marilyn Monroe whose former husband Joe Di Maggio never really accepted her demise. He was escorted by thousands of Marilyn lovers who stood ready for many years to follow Di Maggio to her grave on her birthday and death anniversary.


Then there was the Elvis Presley cult that continues to give life to Nashville, Tennessee and to inspire millions of impersonators that continue to gather once a year in Vegas. John Lennon drove thousands of followers  to Central Park South in candle vigils ten years after his death.

Twin Palms

But what seems to be emerging as the most upscale summer travel event is organized pilgrimage to deceased celebrities birthplaces; living quarters or  performing destinations. Palm Springs,  or instance was put on the worlds map by Frank Sinatra whose vacationing home Twin Palms became the  standard bearer of luxury and glamour in the 1950s. Sinatra first went to Palm Springs in search of a weekend home for his family after signing a lucrative movie contract with MGM.

Twin Palms

The design by architect Stewart Williams soon became the landmark for taste and the ultimate experience in modern living. Twin Palms was the stage for one of the most fiery and turbulent love affairs in the world: that of Frank Sinatra with Ava Gardner. Today the site can be rented for parties and for vacations. Tenants include the first names in the US AA list.

Thousands gather outside Prince’s Home

Minneapolis, on its part, is getting ready for the Prince pilgrimage that will begin this summer to continue as long as people continue to revel under the influence of the artist’s magic creations. The theater where he created his purple dream; the school he attended; the restaurants he loved and the weekend excursions that gave him the opportunity to meld into nature will all be accessible to revering fans who acquire touring packages. Plans to build three boutique hotels for celebrities and jet setters are underway introducing Minneapolis to luxury tours trail.

The Catskill Mountains

The Catskill Mountains will soon see the emergence of the David Bowie haj. The last years of the performers life were spent in a mountain retreat near Woodstock. It is around this place that his ashes were spread out. The Catskill Mountains area of upstate New York, are a new favorite of A-listers and Brooklynites seeking reclusive comforts away from the tumultuous city life.

Bowie, Iman and their daughter

Located just 100 miles north of New York City, Bowie, Iman and their daughter were often seen in the area’s shops, restaurants and local gym. These places will now be the items for the summer pilgrimage of upscale tourism. In the end what these A-listers are seeking is a connection with spirituality through the remembrance of their most beloved talents. 

Beatrice Rangel

An accomplished international business executive with broad based expertise in analyzing, developing negotiating and implementing short and long-term corporate investment strategies and acquisitions throughout the Latin American and Caribbean communities.

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