Thinking Mu, fashion-conscience

The USA and Japan are key markets for an eco-friendly brand which proves that fair and responsible fashion is not just a possibility but a reality.

The Luxonomist. 21/05/2015
Thinking Mu Lolita
Thinking mu, The Ecologyst T´Shirt Company. Click to buy

What do a sociologist, an economist, an engineer and an advertising  creative have in common? The answer is Thinking Mu: a sustainable fashion brand founded in Barcelona in 2010 which “thrives on nature, authenticity, craftsmanship and good spirits”.

Thinking Mu started out making T-shirts with messages. Now it has a collection of garments and accessories for men and women made from the best cotton fibres, all 100% organic and bought in from India and Peru in line with the GOTS standard.

Thinking Mu Anchor
Thinking Mu Anchor. Click to buy

Although more than half its output is made from natural white cotton, for other colours, it uses certified biodegradable pigments to reduce environmental impact right down the production chain and meets its social commitment to promote fair trade, using local suppliers.

Thinking Mu Long Camelia Dress
Thinking Mu Long Camelia Dress. Click to buy

In contrast to the low-cost, fast fashion approach, Thinking Mu advocates consuming in a way that respects both people and the environment. Creativity and ecology go hand in hand in its colourful, optimistic designs for a target that shares its values. Thinking Mu has mainly found such appreciative audiences in the USA and Japan. Now, with its sights set on Europe, it is looking to the Capsule Show in Paris and Las Vegas to broaden its global reach.

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