Why a Fashion Revolution?

Fashion Revolution Day was born on April 24th 2013. 1133 people were killed in the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh.

Lourdes Delgado. 08/04/2015
Fashion Revolution. #Fashrev

It is necessary a break in the fashion world. We can’t follow with these uses in our shopping and such as consumers. Fashion industry must value people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure and it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that this happens, according to the organisation Fashion Revolution Day.

At the moment, 62 countries are taking part in Fashion Revolution Day. We are going to an appointment with the sustainability and with the fashion in this month. Last year Fashion Revolution Day left these results in some countries:

  • In Spain they launched 1133 balloons from 12 different cities.
  • In Bangladesh the Critical Mass cycle ride was #insideout, and the total reach on social media was 300k views.
  • Kenya held a spoken word and poetry competition on the subject of Who Made Your Clothes?
  • Argentina had 35k people on social media.
  • Germany produced the brilliant Bang La Fresh and the German Street wear brand Ragwear gave the best response of all brands to Who Made Your Clothes? 
¿Quién hizo mi ropa? #Fashrev
Fashion Revolution. #Fashrev

The question is: Why a fashion revolution? The results of the collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh on 24 April 2013 were a symptom of the broken links across the fashion and textile industry. «Fashion Revolution Day is an opportunity to celebrate fashion as a positive influence to create a more ethical and sustainable future for fashion. Together, we will rally the high street, the high end, the innovators, the media, the public, the activists, the makers, the wearers – and everyone in between».  To encourage a consumer led revolution to radically change the way fashion is made, sourced and purchased. According to the organisation the strategic objetives are:

  • Raise awareness of the true cost of fashion and its impact at every stage in the process of production through to consumption and disposal.
  • Show the world that change is possible by showcasing and celebrating those proving that fashion can be made with respect to people and the planet.
  • Bring people together the length of the value chain, from farmers to factory workers, brands to buyers, consumers to campaigners, to ask questions, challenging how fashion is made and by whom, and to work towards reconnecting the broken links between those who produce, sell and buy fashion.
  • Work towards long-term industry-wide change so that fashion becomes a force for good and that all business is conducted in a safe, healthy, fair way.
  • To ensure that a tragedy like Rana Plaza never happens again.
¿Quién hizo mi ropa? #Fashrev
Fashion Revolution. #Fashrev

Participating Fashion Revolution Day can only be strong if we take part on its priorities and participate in relevant work streams or events:

  • Promoting the brand guidelines.
  • Collaborating.   All members will focus on ensuring that all work around Fashion Revolution is about collaboration in a pre competitive space.
  • Changing A campaign that joins all members of the textile value chain to prove a new business model for the sector which has never been done before so it is very difficult to predict the outcome.
  • The inclusion of all stakeholders in the textile value chain, such as farm groups, producer organisations, factories and trade unions.
Fashihon revolution
Fashion Revolution. #Fashrev

«Fashion Revolution Day says enough is enough». The first edition of Fashion Revolution Day in Spain was coordinated by Gema Gómez, Founder of Slow Fashion Spain. In the current edition the coordinator is Eduardo Croissier. Since here we wish to him all the best for this edition. References: All information is Courtesy of Fashion Revolution Day

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