The Most Expensive Chocolate in the World

Designed in accordance with the "Divine Proportion".

The Luxonomist. 01/02/2016

The world’s biggest movie stars Vivien Leigh, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn inspired the brand The Ross Limited to produce the most expensive chocolates in the world. Special presents will be sent to the museums and studios where they have worked the most of their lives. The present is a piece of jewelry and gastronomic art.

Chocolate 1
The Ross Limited Gargantua. Click to buy

Six pieces of chocolates are designed in a unique and tasteful manner and they are located inside a carefully faceted sphere of absolutely pure volcanic glass. Each piece of chocolate symbolizes the natural elements such as representing geometrically the so-called Platonic solids which is the most basic of regular polyhedral, a tetrahedron is for fire, an octahedron is for air, a cube is for earth, an icosahedron is for water, a dodecahedron is for ether, and a scope is for vacuum.

Chocolate 2
The Ross Limited Gargantua. Click to buy

The gift is encrusted with gold of the 585th test. The market value of the set is US $14,000. The founder of The Ross Limited Mr Adilkhan Sartayev stated: «These three superstars throughout their lives showed us an example of creating an absolute beauty. This is our value, and that is why we dedicate our gifts for them. The whole scheme of our brand is designed in accordance with the «divine proportion», the golden section. Great artists and the creators of history have used the ratio of the «golden section». Every detail is absolutely essential for us, as we want to make the best chocolate in the world.»

Chocolate 3
The Ross Limited Stella nova. Click to buy

Each client will have her own star on the web site and have a unique number. No more than one thousand copies will be provided from each collection and they will never be repeated. Only one out of 7 million people will have the chance to be a part of the history of the brand The Ross Limited forever. Such exclusivity is also not accidental. After all, beauty is something that cannot belong to everyone.


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