The Overshoe or Galoshes

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Swims. Make clic to know more


A few weeks ago I talked about shoe care and we wanted to continue with further aspects of this important area of the world of footwear. In this second chapter we present the overshoes or galoshes from the hand of Swims. About Swims we have spoken above. Only say it is with Covy’s one of the leading global manufacturers of galoshes or overshoes having collaborated in limited editions with John Lobb and Armani.


The overshoes or galoshes are a type of rubber sleeve which slides over your shoes to prevent any deterioration from the effects of rain, snow or mud. Unlike her older sister, the water boot , only cover the surface of the shoe (both above and below). It dates back to the Middle Ages, where the Gauls were the first to use this type of complement, which is why we named the shoe gallicae deriving the current name: Galoshes. To the use of rubber, the overshoes were made mainly with leather on the top and a thin sole of wooden in their plantar portion. 



An unconfirmed legend states that an Englishman named Radley was the inventor of the current Overshoes. During the reading of De Bello Gallico by Julius Caesar, Mr. Radley he realized a description about galoshes and because of his problems with rheumatism he patented a cloth overshoes reinforced rubber to keep feet dry.

When we bought some shoes we always look for the best value possible and once in our hands we strive to take care to achieve the maximum durability. We usually use the best creams and dedicate Sunday afternoons to meticulously cleaned each shoe. But my question is: How to take care of our shoes when it rains? Do we continue using shoes or just leave them in the closet, forgetting our elegance? Do we care to deteriorate our shoes without doing anything about it? I think these are the same questions did at the time Swims people. Standard bearers and defenders of the overshoes, encourage us to not ignore the elegance and care of shoes, using his galoshes. Something that we also support.

Swims. Make clic to buy


It is true that in our case (Spain) may be somewhat necessary, because we have a few days of rain . That if we do not forget that there are days that it rains a lot. But in countries of northern Europe, the United States or South America with a high rainfall, it´s become a very necessary element.

Another aspect that we may suppose some rejection when using the galoshes is its aesthetics. Although constantly trying to manufactured with most beautiful and elegant designs, no longer a rubber boot that covers our shoe. But do not forget its main function: Protect the skin of our shoes. It is better to get our feet dry and our shoes care that spoil them forever.

Swims. Make clic to buy


Normally their use should be primarily for journeys between our home and work and similar journeys. They are also widely used by motorists to be a protection against rain and wear about changing gears. But never continuously and especially never wear them inside a building. Swims offers a variety of models with different colors like classic black, blue, orange, red and green. They even have a model that combines suede with rubber.

Their prices range from 69 € to 79 €.  Perhaps we may seem that have a high price, but given its characteristics, our shoes will last more years and our pocket will thank us.

Álvaro Arce

Joven ejecutivo de finanzas. Apasionado de la moda masculina. Fundador "The Shoemaker World" el primer blog en España sobre calzado masculino de lujo. Amante de la artesanía y firme defensor del "Made in Spain".

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