Fahion on paper

Decorations and accessories must also be made or lined only in paper.

Lourdes Delgado. 25/03/2015
Diseño incluido en la exposición 'Moda en Papel'
Design included in the exhibition «Fashion on Paper ‘

I’m sure that we are doing project to the next holidays. I recommend to visit The Dresses Museum in Madrid (Museo del Traje. Centro de Investigación del Patrimonio Etnológico). During these days it is being celebrating an exposition about “Fashion paper”.

This exposition shows the dresses winner in several editions this award. According to the rules of participation “The dresses are made only and exclusively of paper, hand or machine sewn (the only reinforcement allowed on the dress is unglued paper binding). The use of adhesives, staples and the like is prohibited. No variety of paper (plastified, metallic, etc.) is not allowed. If used, this will be penalized and the garment will not compete for a prize. Please enquire with the organizers beforehand about any doubts. Decorations and accessories must also be made or lined only in paper. The uses of sprays or paints are allowed to colour the paper or add sheen”.

Diseños incluidos en la exposición 'Moda en Papel'
Designs included in the exhibition «Fashion on Paper ‘

The Participation was opened to everyone: Dressmakers, designers, Fine Arts students, enthusiasts, etc. The dresses are made only and exclusively of paper, hand or machine sewn (the only reinforcement allowed on the dress is unglued paper binding). If used any material that has been penalized, the garment will not compete for a prize. Decorations and accessories must also be made or lined only in paper.  Normally the uses of sprays or paints are allowed to colour the paper or add sheen. 

All the dresses presented must be totally new designs and they must not have competed or taken part in any other competition or event. The competition comprised two sections Adults and children (up to the age of 14, inclusive).

Diseños incluidos en la exposición 'Moda en Papel'
Designs included in the exhibition «Fashion on Paper ‘

For the registration was necessary accompany it with samples of EACH and EVERY type of paper or material used to make the dress, both outside and in (linings, accessories…), depending on the type, colour, etc. If any component was not paper, the work would not compete for a prize. The exposition is going to open until April, 12th, 2015.

Nowadays the contest looks for keeping the environment traditions and joins to younger designer and fashion professionals in this appointment since sixty years. On one hand is another way to communicate the fashion culture and another hand for discovering a new way for working about fashion.

The first edition was celebrated in 1958; this is the oldest contest in Spain. The initiative was from popular will. It connects with the industrial tradition zone. Once, Güeñes town was an industrially important place. References: Retrieved March, 22th, 2015 from http://www.vestidosdepapel.com/en/

Diesño incluido en la exposición 'Moda en Papel'
Design included in the exhibition «Fashion on Paper ‘

About de Dresses Museum

  • COLLECTIONS Number of pieces: 
    Historical Clothing: 24,378
    Jewelry 3,345
    Leisure Activities 18,951
    Ceramic 5,994
    Domestic equipment 15,798
    Economic activities 25,770
    Beliefs and religion 23,530
    Grooming and Hygiene 916
    Graphic works 15,530
  • Evolution of donors to the Museum of Costume:
    2004: 764         2004: 107
    2005: 840         2005: 54
    2006: 920         2006: 68
    2007: 986         2007: 56
    2008: 1,025      2008: 24
    2009: 1,090      2009: 8
    2010: 1,187      2010: 60


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