Get the Dreamed Wardrobe

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Although many stores, especially online, have spent several months doing promotions, sales and mid season discounts, authentic sales, those we love officially begin on 1st July. Today I would like to give you a few guidelines that besides organize effectively and quickly your closet, make a list of what you really need and so can complete or renew those clothes and accessories that will save you thousands of times the dreaded «What do I wear?».

The inevitable question «What should I wear?»

If it is never a problem size, age, or your personal circumstances, still less. I am not at all in favor of those rules wardrobe in which you say you should have a white shirt, jeans, a jacket and a skirt… simplify. Life is more complex than that, but not scared, I do not think make the listing of a celebritie in full promotional tour. I like to base the wardrobe on the needs that have as your rhythm and life circumstances. It is impossible to personalize it more.

Example of wardrobe.

1.- Organize your closet: To find out what you  need we have to know what you must to have , so you will not buy anything repeated – unless it be your «holy will», one of the best reasons in the world -. To do this, we must arrange your closet. Oh!

Organize clothes by color once you have had them classified.

Help! Not one of these days when you have time or the next weekend or a friend. Now. Quiet, do not think you’re the unic people in the world, I know you have all other closets perfect, but you’re leaving yours. It happens to everyone,  Isabel Preysler -one of the most famous socialites in Spain, Mr Vargas Llosa’s current partner- she confessed in an interview that his cabinet «is a mess» – sic- and she has to » put up with someone else to direct, this here, the other there. .. «and it terrifies her.

I have several methods to sort your closet that my online customers have tested on Skype and live, you can check anytime. Today I’ll tell you one of them, the simplest. But we can get to leave the photographed outfits, combined and labeled, so you need not even think. Follows a basic rules:

Classify the clothes you stay and no.

– Lighten the closet with these essential questions:

  • Did you wear it in the last two years?
  • Is your current size? Today’s, not the next week because you are going to put on a diet.
  • Did you buy it today?
  • It is in perfect condition?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, discard the garment. If it´s a high quality model you can choose other options than to donate or recycle, as stored in an attic closet  or sell at a vintage store, but remember that it must be in very good condition. This selection has to affect all clothing and accessories you have in your closet.

Perfect organization of drawers.

– Organizes well what’s left you:

Between what has been saved you have all kinds of objects: shirts, swimwear, pants, skirts, lingerie, sportswear, dresses, jackets, knitwear, and even jewelry, handbags, shoes, hats, bedding and even suitcases. A basic wardrobe should have hanger rod, shelves, drawers and attic. If you want to keep your clothes tidy, it is essential to choose between these two options:

  • You adapt to your closet space, and have no more than the clothes that fits into it.
  • You replace it for one bigger  or purchase more closets to put the clothes that will not fit in it but you have and really need.

All other solutions that you see on blogs on how to place the jewelry on a ladder, shoes in an old box of wine, etc., can be very original, but they are nothing practical in real life, thought the room have to be cleaned and the fewer things there in the middle, better, and are not ideal for preserving anything.

Use the best hangers. There are models for everything you need.

2.- Hang Out: Remember that the hangers must be of good quality and adapted to the type of garment you think hanging. The ideal distribution is one in which you can have maximum hanging clothes but between them have enough space to recognize that and not wrinkle and can separate one without unhook to see good. It is an excellent idea that within this distribution classify other garments by category: pants, skirts, shirts, shirts, jackets, short dresses, summer coats and trench coats, long dresses. In each of these categories is good order the garments following a range of colors – from lighter to darker -.

Hang sportwear forming sets in a single hanger per set at the beginning of everything. Before its side can put a hanger for numerous scarves and fulards that you have.

The shelves are very useful for storing sweaters and accessories.

3.- Shelves: The shelves also serve to store the headgear in their boxes and hats with some bags inside at least to maintain their shape. Keep your shoes in boxes, they will be preserved much better. And bags with cloth cover. If you can not remember you at a glance what each box contains or each bag, tag them.

Christian Loubutin. Box for storing shoes. Click to buy

4.- Drawers: Store each piece in its bag, box and separate, the best is a box with a lid that inside is divided into compartments, if you prefer to have it in sight, you can, here is well protected, put one piece in each compartment.

Store jewelry it in its original packaging in the safe. If you prefer to have a jewelry with the pieces that you wear more, put the pieces inside with enough space to avoid damage and the jewelry box inside the safe.

Use drawers to store tech accessories.

The drawer of the nightstand or one of the dresser drawers will be ideal for ordering electronics: camera, smart phone, tablet, chargers, boxes, etc. Other drawers must be for sunglasses, wallets, belts, etc.

5.- Attic: It is good to have in your closet clothes only a couple of seasons and other keep clean in bags storage in the attic or in airtight boxes. Stored in the attic also suitcases.

With all that has been, once placed take inventory of what you have. Now you can start thinking about making a good wardrobe with the essential pieces you really need. In the second part of this post I will give you the keys.

Laura Martínez España

Empresaria. Especializada en lujo y lifestyle. Fundadora de Maresla y JetPet. Colaboradora de grandes marcas y multinacionales de moda.

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