Discover What Cotton Can Do

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The modern cotton industry has achieved significant environmental gains over the past forty years, but it is not resting on its laurels. Around the world, scientists and researchers strive to develop new ways to grow, process and manufacture cotton more efficiently and with increasingly less impact on the environment. Identifying and implementing new technologies and practices will help the cotton industry meet the current needs for productivity and profit, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

50% more cotton is produced worldwide today on the same amount of land as compared to 40 some years ago.

Increasingly responsible production and manufacturing are not objectives the cotton industry take lightly. As a natural fiber, the success of cotton is directly linked to the land and its health. Being good stewards of the environment requires continuous attention to reducing impact throughout every link in cotton’s long supply chain—from the seeds from which cotton is grown, to the processing and manufacturing practices of finished cotton goods.

Cotton production provides two crops within each seasonal harvest: cotton fiber and cottonseed, a source of nutritious cooking oil and a protein-rich supplement for dairy cattle and aquaculture feeds.

To help meet the textile fiber and other needs of the Earth’s growing population, projected to reach nine billion by 2050, the cotton industry must simultaneously reduce environmental impact and increase the volume of cotton grown. With much of the world’s arable land already under cultivation, clothing the Earth’s people with natural fiber textiles in 2050 means fiber production on existing farmlands must triple.

Long-term research supported by Cotton Incorporated has paved the way for an expanded use of cottonseed as a foodstuff.

The engine that will advance is this goal is technology. Around the world, dedicated cotton researchers are advancing technologies and practices of cotton production and manufacturing.

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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