Tiffany, Brilliant Results Despite Trump

Christmas in New York does not understand whether Tiffany, the city’s historic jewelry. The quintessence of the Big Apple. The fetish place of the tourists. Who has not traveled to New York and visited the most iconic jewelry in the city ?. The company showed results a few weeks ago, and the great news is that for the first time in two years it has increased its sales thanks to increased consumption in its stores in China and Japan, as the fall in sales in the United States slow to Lower level. There is some optimism about the Christmas season, although in the last quarter the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue has become a nightmare.

Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue

Since Trump was elected President-elect of the United States, his tower, attached to Tiffany on Fifth Avenue has become the political and economic center of the world, and this is directly affecting the store’s sales. Multinational jewelry company is best known in the world.

His collections of «affordable jewelry» are working very well. Click to buy

The security measures of the secret service make entering jewelry a real odyssey for consumers and onlookers. The store is stuck in a security cord at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street. Tiffany two years ago initiated a policy of internal restructuring and sales to attract younger consumers. And that policy is beginning to bear fruit. In the last quarter, sales in the United States fell 2% below the 2.8% expected analysts’ consensus, which has been a relief for managers.

Tiffany two years ago initiated a policy of internal restructuring and sales to attract younger consumers. Click to buy

His collections of «affordable jewelry» especially in silver, increasing the catalog with prices below $ 500 a piece, and the collection designed by the letter T, Tiffany & Co are working very well.

Pilar García de la Granja

Periodista especializada en información económica y financiera. Ha trabajado en Expansión TV, WSJ y Onda Cero entre otros. Actualmente es subdirectora de informativos de Mediaset España.


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