What is Emotional Odontology?

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Showing off a healthy, attractive and lasting smile is the new goal of many people and it is the reason why most of them are changing their habitual clinics to other ones with a new concept offering the possibility to get a new and radiant smile. It is a number that increases exponentially each day, patients, even with healthy mouth, looking for the emotion that an attractive smile generates in them and on people.

A smile helps to be happier

So many celebrities, people from the culture, politic and  business sphere have surrendered to this new trend that pretends to show the world a new way of understanding odontology, more human and emotional but also more efficient and precise thanks to the latest digital technology.

3D technology will make us lose their fear of the dentist

In a standard clinic we can group patients into two categories: rational, who come with pain, discomfort or prevention and who are rationally satisfied with their oral health; and emotional, who demand a better aesthetic in their smile. Rounding, we could say that the first ones constitute the 80% of patients and the second ones, the 20%, percentage that even being lower, have been increasing lately.

Now you can see will look like your mouth before orthodontics

The emotional patient gives a big value to his smile, knows his flaws and wants to go further than the old concept of health as a lack of illness. It’s a patient who understands health in a level of self-realization, definitely, understands the intimate relationship between happiness and health. Not every clinic or professionals are prepared, philosophically and/or technically to give an answer to this 20% of patients.

Some dental professionals are already turning to this trend and their objective now is to create attractive smiles that increase the expectative of happiness of patients through emotional odontology, a new way of communication with the patient, totally personalized and exclusive.

The emotional patient seeks not only a good dental health

Thanks to the latest digital technologies and 3D virtual reality it is already possible to design the perfect smile for each person. The patient can see and feel in his mouth the final result of the treatment, through a mask-ferule with two objectives: he can see and give an opinion about it and more important, this real vision of the new smile provokes an emotional reaction.

It’s possible to have a beautiful smile

This way, the patient experiments an unmatched feeling watching not only the physical change he could live but also the vital change, feeling more secure and confident about the new image. Under this philosophy and thanks to the emotional odontology we can already say goodbye to our fear to dentist and show off a dazzling smile living a unique experience in an atmosphere created to enjoy and relax.

Marisa Nufrio

Directora de IESO (Instituto de Estudios Superiores Odontológicos) entre 2004 y 2011, fundadora de varias clínicas odontológicas y de la Dental Education Ocupational School. En la actualidad, es fundadora de Smylife y directora de Smylife España. Junto a José Álvarez, fue pionera en asociar el lujo y la exclusividad a las clínicas dentales.

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