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The Sky on the Ceiling

Kingwood Medical Center in Texas

Hi, if you follow the media you may have noticed that in my latest posted photo in them, I was posing with the gaze lost in the sky, well, it I had not an unbearable neck pain, nor had expanded my ego (you know that it is not a facet of my personality), I will devote this entire article to explain the reason why this photo was taken, if you have patience, your time will be rewarded, I assure you. It all began in Texas, at Kingwood Medical Center, where I was amazed with lamps that simulating a splendid open sky. I left not my astonishment until several days later, but while I was in a trance I looked for information on how and who had perpetrated such joy to the eyes of workers, please allow me to continue with the intrigue a bit more before I tell them the name of the company that is dedicated to this task.


My next step was to travel (my way of life) to the buildings where have already installed this type of luminaries, my first destination: station Austerlitz Railroad in Paris, where you read the newspaper and you can see perfectly the sheets of a non-existent tree… the same tree you can find at the headquarters of Basf in Lemförde, Germany (my second destination). What is Biophilia?

Xfit Fitnesss & Wellness Club, Basf sede, Ferromex coffee shop, Austerliz station in Paris and Liceo in Pouilé

One of the advantages of the creators of this lighting system is that they work closely with the animal part of people. There is what is called Biophilia, which is a theory by which humans keep inner links with nature. These links make us sensitive to primary stimuli and this would explain how we feel better in the presence of flora, fauna, mountains, rivers, etc. Many architectural and engineering studies are focused to this particular form of thought, trying in their projects the air, the water, and the natural materials in general, those elements have one presence more than noticeable, in order to remind to our «me» where it comes (or where it goes). If I am sincere yet I don’t have an opinion formed on this phenomenon, but one thing is clear: we are thrilled to look out the window, and if this window brings us images that we need or want to see… by me great!

But not we drift away from our journey, my third destination was the Xfit Fitnesss & Wellness Club in Genoa, which has a starry sky breathtaking, and made the hydromassage more palatable. My fourth stop was Mexico (how I like Mexico), in the largest railway company of the country, in particular in the cafeteria of its headquarters. As you are watching the company has tentacles in almost all of the terrestrial globe or as they want to call them: collaborators.


Yes, Sky Factory is the name of the company, and the luminaries of which I have spoken are called SkyCeilings, but also have SkyV (ceilings with video images), Virtual Windows (images in windows) and Escape (windows with moving images). The company has the headquarters in Iowa, where he was born the famous Buffalo Bill, he liked to spend their time killing buffaloes, extending the railroad by the United States and fighting for the rights of Indians and women. I’m going to stop now in one of its products, EcoSlim LED, which is a luminous ceiling in compact format with a unique system of lateral lighting, what makes that the luminarie reduced the thickness of 23 cm (the space of false ceiling that we would need to put in these lamps) to only 11.5 cm. It is also compatible with magnetic resonance equipment and any environment that should be free of radio-frequency. It has dimmer switch, contains no mercury or other toxic elements, it has excellent energy efficiency and a useful life of more than 40,000 hours. But the best is to produce a healthy light, or almost natural light.

Sky Factory designs

The luminaries are composed of four elements: 1º- lighting system, which radiates the energy required for the production of natural light, 2º- Printed panels, acrylic with photographs of high-resolution printing, 3º- Elevators, patented parts that raise the panels and fasten the module of lighting and 4º – Suspension, which is the union of this with the false ceiling.

This brings us back to the beginning of the article, when I am in this photo looking towards the ceiling: You understand I was doing, I, Rodolfo, was admiring the Circular Luminous SkyCeiling of the Auditorium of the high school of Pouille, in France, where was attending an event of Education that, honestly, I don’t remember too

Juan José Perez Monzón

Arquitecto Técnico en ejecución de obras. La Arquitectura gana guerras, conquista corazones, define políticas y forja el futuro. Sin ella no existe la Sociedad o la Cultura. Arquitectura es Vida.


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