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Uno de 50 opens first London store

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Uno de 50, Regent Street, London. Click to buy

From world luxury epicentre Omotesando in Tokyo to London’s classy Regent Street: Uno de 50 has achieved its aim of setting up shop in the British capital, as Chairman José Azulay, revealed in an interview with Fashion from spain in March.

Located at 143 Regent Street, the store has all the season’s latest products from the ‘padlock brand’. They include its acclaimed Gold Collection and the coveted limited editions made from genuine metal alloys which the brand has used to build what Azulay calls its “unique, exclusive and recognisable identity”. True to the brand’s interior design concept, the new shop combines glamour with a “hard-hitting, unconventional” character.

Uno de 50 Universe Collection. Click to buy

With around a hundred shops in 40 countries, Uno de 50’s main global market is the USA, which alone accounts for 40% of turnover. In 2015, it will be opening in New York’s World Trade Center, in King of Prussia Philadelphia and in California. But it is not neglecting its European market either, and has further plans for the Italian cities of Verona, Venice and Florence. In the mid term, it will also be opening new stores in Japan.

Uno de 50 Animal Instinct Collection. Click to buy

In line with its trademark craftsmanship and exclusivity, Uno de 50 is adding stylish 3-micron plating to its Gold Collection, which the brand has been carefully honing to achieve the right shade. Made at the brand’s workshops in Madrid, the collection comprises 41 different pieces, including new models and re-edited bestsellers, some with the leather detail that is also such a part of the brand identity.

Uno de 50 Gold Collection. Click to buy

The “padlock brand’s” signature metal alloys are getting a new coat of glamour in the just-launched Gold Collection. A few months back Uno de 50 added another new business line in the shape of ‘On the road’, its first bag collection. Now it’s back with more surprises, introducing this precious metal in a new collection that has already gone on sale at its more than 100 shops worldwide and e-shop.

The Luxonomist

Redacción de The Luxonomist. Periodistas especializados en información económica, financiera, empresarial y a la última en las tendencias del lujo.

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