Meshing it up

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Neto Soberanes with Dior sunglasses

New York’s weather is a disaster right now; it’s so hot and humid that the fashionistas are having trouble turning sweat into a trend. And, now that your’s truly has to stay on the Island working all summer, I came up with a couple of ideas to keep you looking stylish, while not boiling with hot layers. For this look, I would say I went a little over the top with a mesh sweater from Forever21.

Complet outfit of Neto Soberanes

From the moment I first laid eyes on it, I knew it would be a fun little experiment to see how I would eventually style it. I decided to use this mesh sweater that is 100% polyester because it’s made up of noncellulosic fibers. Petroleum, coal, natural gas, air and water are used to make these fibers. Meaning that chemist working in laboratories produce various combinations of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen to create many of the fabrics we use today. Here, you can see how I layered it with a basic t-shirt from HB designs (a close friend from back home in Mexico) of #Karlito.

Boy Bag by Chanel. Make click to buy

Considering that the weather is hot as heck, I had no other option than to show some leg with these short shorts from Zara. Keeping the look very minimal with black and white tones. I accessorized with my white and silver Dior reflective sunnies, my Chanel boy bag, and my Fendi key chain of #Karlito that matches the outfit perfectly. On my feet I played it colorful and added my Bernhard Willhelm x Camper color block sandals, just to add a little summer vibe to the whole black and white look. Remember, if it’s hot, mesh it up to look avant-garde, even though the sun is burning your scalp, lol.

Neto Soberanes

Mexicano graduado en Fashion Marketing and Management, trabaja como Director Asistente de Agatha Ruiz de la Prada en NYC. "Dicen que una vez lo logras en Nueva York, lo puedes lograr en donde sea". http://venetosoberanes.com/

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