Stomping Strong From Monday

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«Folke» by Montag 73. Click to buy

The difference lies in a succession of steps that make the distinction of a footprint and that are a symbol of a new concept of urban-chic shoes for men, all of them conceived as unique pieces in the form of micro-collections of limited editions (never more than fifty of each model), and always made by Spanish artisans, chosen among the best in their specialty.

The brand Montag 73 has already toured enough, from it’s birth in 2013, to celebrate their trace from the corners where it steps and shows it’s creations. 

«Henrik» by Montag 73. Click to buy

Montag, that means Monday in German, the native language of the designer Andreas Bogner, Austrian by birth and from Madrid by adoption and heart, has laid the foundations of a new philosophy for the feet, the one about the creativity, unique and accessible, determined to not leaving no one indifferent and creating a dialogue among artisans and buyers and between the creative and the street.

Each piece combines the best materials, always top quality that are built to obtain the best comfort without losing the quality and style.

«Larsson» by Montag 73. Click to buy

Is invading us right now a wave of change in the design of men’s shoes of classic cut with bold prints, at the same time as a literary current of bestsellers in which predominates the essay on the history of thought through the walk.

It is fair to draw a parallel between both (although very different) disciplines to conclude that every step in life is important, and you can walk and trace simultaneously from your thinking, aesthetically differential.

Mamen Rodrigo

Periodista. Profesional con veinte años de experiencia en comunicación y actualmente inmersa en de moda, turismo, cultura y Responsabilidad Corporativa.

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