Made in Spain, Custom Made and Delivery date

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The result changes affect innovation not only to fashion design, but also its manufacture and distribution. Although in the opinion of Gema Gomez (Slow Fasion Next) the fast fashion shows no signs of disappearing, it is true that consumer tastes have gone in another direction. The consumer experience is not focused only on product benefits, but also in the awareness and experience of its developers.

David Catalán. (Foto: Designersrooms) Click to buy

For example, the physical attractiveness of luxury multibrand stores, has moved to the conceptual. Part of the appeal of the product, even more than the materials and aesthetic aspects. This is the case of the Mark Spain, or even all that is produced under the sustainable umbrella across the broad sense of the term.

Juan Brea‘Ce Qui Est’ bag by Cozarllado. Click to buy

Designers like Michael Sailor, David Catalan, Alex Vidal and Cozarllado or shown to the public under the concept in Spain, order and delivery date. added values ​​that go far beyond the purely aesthetic criteria.

Verónica Báez Márquez,

This has made possible, Veronica Baez Marquez. Your portal puts customer service the current season from 24 hours to your home and reserve next season since its appearance on the catwalks. Since the customer is the first to have it before the arrival in stores. We could call it as digital stitching and custom. Made in Spain, order and delivery date.

Digitization of fashion (Sádaba, 2015) has transformed the market, I could see Natalie Massenet in 2000 with the creation of Net-a Porter, it has always been said that «whoever gives first gives twice.» She has shown that online does not really detract from the experience of luxury, but rather offers a sea of ​​possibilities.

Alex Vidal: short pink dress and short dress. Click to buy

The market at this level is quite consolidated and continues to offer good prospects, example is Privalia and Vente-Privee. Gosia Pajkowska, PR at Vente-Privee in Spain, commented «we have own product, working with limited stocks»*. Once again, it appears that the value of intangibles in these business models than the specificity of the product on the market.

We are facing new consumer values ​​and new channels. So listen to the market is shown as an essential quality of the entrepreneur.

Bracero, F. (2016). Sastrería tecnológica. La Vanguardia 135o Aniversario, (Edición Especial), 56-60.
Sádaba, T. (Ed.). (2015). Moda en el entorno digital. Navarra: Eunsa.
(*) Interview realized on 10th July 2015 by author to Gosía Pajkowska, PR Vente- Privee.

Lourdes Delgado

Investigadora en moda y estilo de vida. Apasionada del entorno online. Creadora de la aventura Tu look habla. Mi deporte es la comunicación bloguera.

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