Stop Smoking and Improve Your Healthy!

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Lungs, skin, stomach and mouth are the main victims in smokers but do you know how much? In the case of our mouth, there are more negative effects of the commonly known. Not only we see esthetic changes but also cause cancer. 

Poor oral hygiene is a risk factor for developing cancer in your mouth.

Oral cancer. 
Without a doubt, this is the most serious problem related to tobacco. In addition, with the harmful effects caused by smoking, poor oral hygiene is a risk factor for developing cancer in our mouth, and even those who do not brush their teeth often can develop esophageal cancer.

Smokers have a higher number of aggressive bacteria in the gums.

Periodontal diseases.
An additional problem too is  a greater predisposition to periodontitis, deeper periodontal pockets and loss of attachment of teeth. In smokers are more pale gums and teeth also present with loss of supporting bone, which causes aging smile appearing dark spaces between the teeth with difficult aesthetic solution.

Without forgetting that tobacco hide gum inflammation, that’s why there are a less bleeding even when it is swollen. Therefore, many patients see increased bleeding during brushing to reduce the consumption of snuff.

The decreased salivary secretion effects of smoking, increases significantly caries risk.

Because of the loss of support and the increased exposure of the tooth root, they appear more easily caries in the roots of the teeth. Also to, the decreased salivary secretion effects of smoking, increases significantly caries risk. Therefore, and to try to maintain the beauty of our smile, in our clinic we always try to promote the importance of proper brushing, this is an important action to prevent oral diseases.

But let’s not forget, that smokers have a higher number of aggressive bacteria in the gums and plaque control worse than non-smokers, so the levels of pathogenic bacteria in plaque are higher in areas where brushing is not enough.

Stop smoking and visit your dentist.

Dental implants
Mentioning the retraction of gum problems previously commented and loss of bone support of the tooth in smokers, there is a close relationship between smoking and the failure of dental implants. Furthermore, there is an increased risk of failure of the implant after placement so implant removal is required, the wait of several months and subsequent repositioning. There is every reason to encourage smokers to stop smoking, not only because their health. A smile is our letter, our smile is a reflection of the soul.

Do not wait more! Stop smoking and visit your dentist to overcome the damage that smoking may have resulted in the health of your smile as soon as possible.

Doctor Jorge Escobar

Director médico de la clínica SmyCenter de Madrid. Especialista en DSD (digital smile design) e implantología digital inmediata// Medical Director at SmyCenter Madrid. Specialist in DSD (Digital smile design) and immediate digital implantology.

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