The best complement? Your smile!

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We are immersed in that dreaded time of the year where all the important social events are grouped: weddings, baptisms, communions, etc. Each invitation creates us the need to show a good image and also the best of ourselves. Choose a beautiful dress or a smart suit, comfy and attractive shoes, facial and body treatments to be perfect or going to the hairdresser, are all on the agenda. However, what good is a nice look if the smile doesn’t accompany?

Smile look perfect on your wedding day is possible

So many people have insecurities about their smile, it could be because they didn’t take care in the past or because a bad dental distribution. This is the main reason why guests get into a huge research of dental treatments to assure them they will look spotless at those events. Nevertheless, there are other kinds of reasons that lead patients to visit their dentist, such as the need of having a smile that transmits their own feelings during the event. Be radiant in the inside has to be shown through the only weapons we have for it, and the smile is one of them.

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular treatments

To avoid the rush, the best thing to do is to visit the dentist regularly and keep a good oral hygiene during the whole year. However, there are treatments with immediate results that can be complementary at this sort of circumstances. One of the most demanded ones is the dental whitening. After a personalized study where a series of pictures and x-rays are taken, right after that a complete oral cleaning is done, mainly to prepare the tooth and eliminate any impurity.

The patient goes to the dentist today want to feel safe and regain confidence

After a couple of days, the whitening itself is done, getting to whiten the smile up to 6 tones. Another demanded treatment is the Dental Spa that includes a deep cleaning with ultrasounds, the application of EasyJetPro (a compact whitener that uses a propelled flow of bicarbonate crystals) and finally a fluoridation application for the sensibility. The current patient has changed. Not only he looks for keeping a good oral health, he comes to us to feel secure and get back their confidence, thanks to our exclusive treatments and the special and personalized experience they live.

Now it is possible to design the right smile for each patient

Moreover, for those who need a bigger fixing process, more important or definitive treatments, there is also SmyDesign. Thanks to the latest DSD technology developed by Dr. Christian Coachman, it is already possible to design a perfect smile for each person and plan the necessary steps to get it (orthodontics, implantology and aesthetics). Moreover, it is the one and only protocol that permits to experiment and see their mouth with their final and ideal smile even before they start the process. Everything, in just two visits.

If you take care of your oral health, your smile look perfect in any event

Either way, our confidence and our feelings are linked to our mouth. A beautiful smile is the best complement at these social events. To enjoy it, it is important to look after our oral health during the whole year, suppress all those complements in your diet that can damage your smile, keep a good oral hygiene and visit the dentist as a routine, not just when you are in pain or have a problem. Following these indications, your smile will look radiant, not only in this special dates, but for the rest of you life.

Marisa Nufrio

Directora de IESO (Instituto de Estudios Superiores Odontológicos) entre 2004 y 2011, fundadora de varias clínicas odontológicas y de la Dental Education Ocupational School. En la actualidad, es fundadora de Smylife y directora de Smylife España. Junto a José Álvarez, fue pionera en asociar el lujo y la exclusividad a las clínicas dentales.

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